We can live differently in 2021


Can you afford another year of failed New Year’s resolutions? Neither can I.

Because we want to become better people, we list the bad habits we resolve to tackle during the coming year. But after failing to stick to our resolutions year after year, we approach the next year’s resolve with fading hope. We wish true change was possible, and we pray for a miracle – that next year we’ll have fewer reasons to “hate ourselves” because of the choices we made.

Our regrets stem from choices we made decades ago or perhaps only moments ago. Some of those choices eventually became bad or sinful habits. But we don’t have to make the same choices over and over again.

If yesterday was disappointing, today can be different. With God’s help, we can overcome bad and sinful behavior.

What if, at the beginning of each month, we ask God to show us one area in our lives (regarding the choices we’re making) that is displeasing to Him? Then spend the rest of the month doing whatever it takes (through prayer, meditating on Scriptures, accountability, etc.) to overcome that behavior? And then do this month after month throughout 2021?

To be clear: I’m not talking about willpower. I’m talking about staying on task, trusting God – with expectation – to actually see progress as we seek to become more like the person we really want to be in Christ.

Every time I yield to God’s grace and choose to obey Him (rather than giving in to my ingrained behavior), I grow in my confidence that God is changing me. That I can change.

As my hope grows, my anxiety shrinks.

The first step we must take is to repent of our wrongful behavior and accept God’s mercy for our immoral and unwise yesterdays. We then reach forward to see what lies ahead, as the apostle Paul wrote about in Philippians 3:13 (ESV):

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.”

If you (like many of us) are struggling with regrets, 2021 can be different.

With God’s help, each month let’s commit to one area we want to work on. Minute-by-minute and choice-by-choice, through the power of the Holy Spirit, let’s reach toward what lies ahead – a different way of living.

Sheryl H. Boldt is the author of the blog, www.TodayCanBeDifferent.net. Connect with her at

[email protected].

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Sometimes it’s nice to put in text just to get an idea of how text will fill in a space on your website.

Traditionally our industry has used Lorem Ipsum, which is placeholder text written in Latin. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with Lorem Ipsum and that can lead to confusion. I can’t tell you how many times clients have asked me why their website is in another language!

There are other placeholder text alternatives like Hipster Ipsum, Zombie Ipsum, Bacon Ipsum, and many more. While often hilarious, these placeholder passages can also lead to much of the same confusion.

If you’re curious, this is Website Ipsum. It was specifically developed for the use on development websites. Other than being less confusing than other Ipsum’s, Website Ipsum is also formatted in patterns more similar to how real copy is formatted on the web today.

Sheryl Boldt

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