Starting a business with my partner

Starting a business with my partner

By Celemma Lara | Human Values Consultant & Team Coach

The relationship of a couple is a respectable entity, a unique universe between two different worlds that work to maintain a balance and harmony in the fulfillment of the different roles that each one exercises, also becoming professional partners is adding a new dynamic with a set of rules and behaviors within the same relationship.

This is neither good nor bad, but before making any decision, one must be aware that entrepreneurship is seen socially as an objective activity, since its creation is based on obtaining tangible results. However, we must not lose sight of the fact that partners are human in nature, which means that they are highly influenced by their thoughts, beliefs and emotions, all of them around the expectations they have of each role to be executed. In couples, feelings are more visible and the objective is not to modify them but to handle them adequately adapted to each context.

In entrepreneurship there are many personal factors at stake such as dreams, goals, personal and professional image, recognition, time and economic expectations. To know the viability of this new project as a couple, it is good to take into account the following points:

Time for the consolidation of the couple: It is important to recognize at what point in the relationship the couple is, it has been shown that in the period of falling in love we are not seeing our partner objectively, we allow ourselves to be influenced by the spark of the relationship and many times we see virtues where there are none. So it is highly recommended to have already passed this stage.

Respect: It is unnecessary to explain this consideration that is the basis of any type of relationship so that it is healthy and harmonious. If there really is no respect between the two, avoid undertaking business together at all costs, until you overcome the situation.

Interests or passions for the purpose of the business: One of the factors that influences the success of a business is the passion or interest that the partners have for the task to be carried out, in such a way that there is enjoyment or satisfaction in the execution of their tasks. This premise when it is ignored by the members of the couple generates frustration and lack of commitment. It is important to feel good about what we do in the business, contributing from our abilities, skills and interests; be true to ourselves and avoid living the dreams of others to the detriment of our own, even if it is the person we love.

Recognition of your partner’s talents and strengths: Being clear that our partner’s abilities, talents, and skills allow them to fulfill their partner role, enhances confidence, motivation, and a good work environment.

Clear establishment of responsibilities: Setting the functions and activities to be carried out by each partner is essential in any business organization, but especially when the partners are couples, since it allows them to accurately delimit the emotional spaces (couple situations) with the work ones.

Separation of the couple’s relationship with business: Couples over the years tend to fall into routine, and it is common for this to negatively influence the relationship, when we also work together the number of hours spent sharing non-romantic situations increases, which can be counterproductive both professionally and emotionally. For this reason, it is very important to set the necessary limits between work and the relationship, being aware of how, when and where to talk about each topic. This point is perhaps one of the most difficult to achieve, but it is not impossible.

Trust and effective communication: Trust in stable couples is, in most cases, a benefit for the business and is a fundamental pillar for the success of any company. In relationships, the issue of infidelity, very common in Latin America, is a serious issue of trust, take it into account. If there is no trust, not to mention a venture together.

As for effective communication, we know that it is essential to achieve good relationships, of any kind, even when it seems like a hackneyed expression. In the case of couples, the following must be taken into account:

• How to say things, in order to maintain the level of equality and avoid the annoying sensation of hierarchy and submission.

• Never confuse communication with the emission of information, communication involves two people who speak and listen, it is reciprocal and active, while in the other case one speaks and the other only listens, it is passive.

Clarity in the investment of economic resources: Differentiating specifically between family capital, company capital and personal capital will avoid major headaches and maintain trust, peace and harmony in the relationship.

Starting a business with your partner can be the beginning of a great family business that generates a positive impact on society, take care of the factors that promote this alliance to avoid falling into the statistics of failed ventures and couples separated by differences in power, while On the contrary, this new dynamic strengthens them in all aspects of life.


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Celemma Lara

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