Let’s put our differences aside this July 4


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  • 2:15 min

Let’s put our differences aside this July 4

By Sheryl Boldt

Why is America so divided? Could it be because many of us have such strong opinions that we refuse to listen to another’s point of view, much less consider it?

The animosity between political parties has eaten its way into every corner of our nation, devouring family, work, and (sadly) even church relationships. Even members of the same political affiliation have turned against each other.

It breaks my heart to see America so angry. I suspect you feel the same way.

What will it take to bring us together? Where do we begin?

When we humble ourselves before God, confess our prideful arrogance and admit we’ve gotten caught up in our own way of thinking, we’ll begin to see ourselves more honestly. When we humble ourselves further and pray for the needs of those with whom we’re at odds, we’ll begin to see their hearts more clearly, too.

First Chronicles 16:11 (ESV) says, “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!”

What would happen if we truly sought God? What if we read, read, read the Bible, and asked His Holy Spirit to help us understand its meaning? What if we prayed, prayed, prayed, telling God everything in our heart – and then listened to hear what’s on His?

How would it change us if, during our prayer time, we admitted we were imperfect and weak? That we needed God’s wisdom and strength? What if we confessed we need help with our attitude and repented of our offensive rhetoric? Then, when we must take a stand, we can do so respectfully.

Consistently seeking God’s presence could transform our perspective if we asked Him to show us how much He loves those with whom we disagree – even those we “hate.”

Think how it would change us if America (beginning in the church) continually asked God for grace to honor Him in all our relationships. Imagine how it would change our nation.

Seeing others as people God loves can move us toward being willing to listen to each other. It could make us more willing to find common ground – and maybe help us realize how much we need one another.

Will you join me in praying that we’ll once again work together as a nation united …

and celebrate our shared pride and love for America every July 4th?

Sheryl H. Boldt writes fiction and non-fiction for children and adults. Her weekly devotions have appeared in newspapers across the South since 2014. She is also the author of the blog, www.TodayCanBeDifferent.net. Connect with her at [email protected].