By Jaime Orozco, San Matias Group
Nowadays it is not a surprise for anyone to be instantly informed of what is happening anywhere in the world, communicate with people on the other side of the planet, watch a video of a song or work as a team without being in the same place. Information and communication technologies have become an important part of our lives.
The development of the internet has meant that information is now in many places. Contact between people has been streamlined. It is not necessary to move to close deals in different cities of the world or to carry out transactions anywhere with a simple click, all have changed all aspects of life.
The world scenario shows us that the Internet is moving almost entirely focused on consumption to an Internet of consumption and production.
In all cases, on the basis of global hardware, software and platform production capabilities, countries seek to improve their manufacturing industry through digital technologies and advanced robotics. Ultimately, the goal is the development of cyber-physical production systems that leave us speechless every day.
The challenge is to update commitments, identifying new challenges and priorities and paying attention to the effects of the ubiquity of the Internet, technological convergence, high-speed networks, the digital economy, open and electronic government, and the revolution of the data, without neglecting the scarcity of continuing to spread the access and use of digital technologies and closing effective gaps.
The competitiveness and growth of countries will largely depend on their integration into the global digital infrastructure. This transition requires developing the digital ecosystem, improving its infrastructure, human capital and business environment to promote investment, innovation and entrepreneurship.
This implies great flexibility in the times and spaces dedicated to learning and, at the same time, implies that there must be interactivity between technology and the contents of the teaching-learning process. University education and training play a crucial role in the new economy. In this sense, digital literacy is essential to be able to participate and take advantage of the benefits and advantages that they bring by increasing the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the economy. At the same time, we make possible a permanent and unusual learning, in this way, a high level of qualification of our workers.
Professional Management and Academic Technical Management: According to all that I have already explained to you, professional management knowledge is known as an empirical and functionalist proposal of the business organization, taking into account tools, methods and operational processes, ignoring the realities that support it. Empirical Management requires theoretical knowledge to reach levels of knowledge that are difficult to achieve in practice.
Scientific Management: In it the professional circumstances of praxeological knowledge and academic theoretical knowledge are framed. To think scientifically is to deny the disciplinary age at present, to give way to the transdisciplinary; Bone managerial capacity that guides an objective, subjective behavior in a scientific and rational framework, this issue is difficult because dissolving it in the best way would be like giving false information and that is precisely what I wanted to show you at this managerial level, tell you a little about what technical because we cannot give it other names, this is like exact mathematics, so taking note of each of the words, or parts to continue investigating a little more in depth, it does not hurt, we know that this process requires a lot of dedication and therefore We must put that grain of sand to be able to have the management part totally clear to be able to advance to the next level.