Hispanics: Be proud of your past and embrace the future!

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  • 4:26 min

National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 – October 15) is upon us, and each year via our September and October editions, we join national efforts to celebrate the histories, cultures and contributions of Americans whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.

The title of this article is the theme for this year’s celebration.  Too many times, people see the observance of these celebrations from a negative perspective, assuming that because a community is given a “period to celebrate” their history or culture, they are somehow “less American, less patriotic”, which I personally think is pure bunk!

I think it is very important for everyone, regardless of background, to know their history, and just as important for individuals to understand those whose ancestry hails from different locations, while both sharing a sincere pride of being Americans!  The success of the United States has always been due to its diversity population and that will continue to be its strength.

Hispanics have been a part of its history since before and during its inception.  It was in 1513, that Juan Ponce de Leon first arrived in what is now Florida and in 1565, the first Spanish settlement was established in St. Augustine.

In 1820, when Mexico won independence from Spain, American settlers being moving into Mexican territory.  Then, in 1845, Texas was annexed by the U.S. and in 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo established the Rio Grande River as the border and ceded Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, parts of Colorado, Nevada, and Utah to the U.S.  75,000 Mexicans chose to remain in the U.S. as citizens.  In 1862, the Homestead Act allowed squatters in the West to claim vacant land – land often owned by Mexican-Americans.

Hispanics have proudly defended this nation since its creation!  Bernardo de Galvez, the governor of Louisiana, fought alongside General George Washington and in 1862, David Glasgow Farragut became the first Hispanic Rear Admiral and was the Flag Officer during the taking of New Orleans. 

The bravery and gallantry of Hispanics in defense of our nation is second to none!  Corporal Joseph H. De Castro, U.S. Army, earned the Medal of Honor in 1863.  He was the first of 60 Hispanic Medal of Honor recipients from the Civil War to Afghanistan.

The future of the United States will be greatly affected by the Hispanic community regardless of who is elected President in 2020!  What will matter more than anything, is “what positive actions” are taken now and in the future when it comes to how our nation deals with its population growth not just within the Hispanic community, but, the growth of other minority communities as well.  

At present, there are an estimated 60 million Hispanics in the United States and by 2025, it is estimated that there will be 68 million.  That is over 18% of the total population and the percentage will continue to grow.  In Florida, the percentage is even higher at over 26%. 

According to the U.S. Census, the U.S. population is projected to increase to 400 million by the year 2051 and to 417 million by 2060.  That will include 119 million Hispanics by 2060, an increase of 115 percent. Hispanics are projected to be 29 percent of the United States population at that time.

Economically speaking, the Hispanic population is an impressive force too.  U.S. Hispanics’ spending power is $1.7 TRILLION, which is higher than the Gross Domestic Product of Canada, and Hispanic-owned businesses contribute more than $700 BILLION annually to the nation’s economy.  An even more important factor to the future of our nation is that at a median age of 28, Hispanics are the youngest ethnic group in America.

As a nation, it is going to be quite important that we UNITE and work together to ensure our POSTERITY can live in a country where RESPECT and UNITY for ALL HUMAN BEINGS IS PARAMOUNT!  A country where discrimination and racism are not tolerated.  This will be key for our nation because by the year 2044, the United States will each the point where we become a “majority-minority” nation.  The so-called minorities of the present will outnumber the non-Hispanic white population.

The Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution contain a set of key words and principles that we ALL should aspire to meet.  It does not make us “Patriots” just to claim that we are.  A true patriot should aspire to lead his life by those principles!

The year 2020 will go down in history as the year of COVID-19 for many reasons.  The effect of COVID-19 in our daily lives, our economy and pretty much everything in between has been tremendous. 

Viruses that cause a pandemic make no distinction when it comes to political affiliation, race, ethnicity, religion, nor creed!

Would it not be a great thing, that those in our nation who see everything through the prism of politics, race, ethnicity, or religion, somehow stopped doing that after what we have gone through?  Wow, for sure our nation would be stronger, more resilient, more empathetic and less divided than we currently are. 

Hispanics:  Be proud of your culture and its past contributions to this nation and to the world and keep working hard to make a positive difference that will ensure that the future of your children and the nation at-large is a prosperous one!  Do not forget, do your civic duty on November 3rd and vote!