Pamela di Pascuale

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  • 2:15 min


By Pamela Di Pascuale, Life & Wellness Coach at Entrepreneurs with a Purpose| @pamdipascuale |[email protected]

BALANCE YOUR FEMININE ENERGY We are whole. Within us, feminine and masculine energy coexist. It is something that has nothing to do with sexual identity or gender but with the inner strength that inhabits us. Both energies coexist and complement each other, allowing us to manifest what we want in reality.

I don’t know if you’re from the same school of life that I was, where women, in order to grow up, more than once are forced to masculinize themselves and solve everything for themselves. Many women have inherited very strong matriarchal models, where there was no option but to do everything alone, without help, and that has made us impenetrable, self-sufficient transmitters but not receivers.

Masculine energy brings us back to action, to conquest, to hunting, to competition and, many times, to comparison and fight.

Feminine energy is receptive, enveloping, sensory, warm, and creative, it is the respect for our pleasure, the search for what motivates us and makes us good, the self-management of our vocation. Going out to find what we want, asking for help, enjoying the process, without competing, sisters, learning from each other, each one contributing their grain of sand to empower us more every day.

We can balance our feminine energy from a new place, from the receptive, gradually learning to let go of self-sufficiency and attending to our needs for space, our emotional needs, our free time, learning the art of delegating and trusting others more. My search had to do with the need to heal my female lineage, and I am still delving into this topic daily.

We need to understand that having our own spaces is not wasting time but recharging ourselves, and that the “I can” has isolated and tired us even physically for having burdened us with responsibilities for the sole fact of not asking for help.

Understand that vulnerability is not related to weakness. Being compassionate is not incompatible with setting limits or being understanding. The key is self-confidence, being tolerant but firm when necessary, having basic values ​​that are not negotiable and being kind and impeccable with your word.

Being able to speak, exchange opinions, express a disagreement, should not be violent acts or generate conflicts. It is an art to work with others, and it is an art that we learn every day. It is important to deepen communication, and set firm but loving boundaries.

That is not contrary to being feminine and sensitive: sensitivity is an intelligence that, used wisely, takes us very far, to our best gift: intuition. Happy beginning of August!

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