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  • 2:45 min

By Michelle Anchors, AnchorsGordon, P.A.

(As originally published in the Greater FWB Chamber of Commerce’s Coastlines)

The economic prosperity of Okaloosa County can be negatively affected by events that are not within local control, such as natural disasters, oil spills, and even a global pandemic. Is there any factor in our control that could positively affect our economic growth? The answer is yes—strong public education. Most local businesses seek a ready workforce of residents who have received a solid education. Most employees with children decide where they want to live based on the quality of the local public schools. 

Economic growth is directly tied to the success of our local public education system, which is dependent in large part on our teachers. Teachers will tell you that their effectiveness is dependent, in large part, on the strength, stability, and safety of the buildings where they teach. In Okaloosa County, these buildings are seriously deteriorating due to a lack of adequate funding for infrastructure. Leaking roofs are causing mold. Heating and air conditioning systems are failing. Aging temporary portables have become permanent classrooms.

The exciting reality is that we have the option of seeing improvements in every single school in Okaloosa County. On November 3, 2020, Okaloosa County voters will decide whether to support a half-cent sales tax to be used exclusively for capital needs such as repairs to school buildings, safety improvements, replacing the oldest bus fleet in the State of Florida, and technology upgrades. The tax is estimated to bring in approximately $23 million annually and will remain in place for ten years, with over half of the proceeds coming from tourists who visit our area seasonally. 

Okaloosa County has not had a school sales tax in place for over twenty years. During that time, neighboring counties have far surpassed us in the amount of money spent on capital needs. The average per student spending on capital needs in Florida for 2017-18 was over $800. In Walton County, the average was $3,281.00. In Okaloosa County, the average was $237.00. We cannot invest in our schools at far below the average rate and expect continued above average results. 

The voters of Okaloosa County are generally considered fiscally conservative, but they recognize that supporting public education is one of the most fundamental roles of limited government. The Republican Women of Okaloosa Federated have endorsed the half-cent tax, along with all of the Chambers of Commerce in Okaloosa County, the Economic Development Council of Okaloosa County, and the Building Industry Association. A political action committee known as School Cents Makes Sense, Inc. consists of private sector business leaders from all parts of Okaloosa County who are spearheading the campaign.

To ensure transparency and accountability, each Chamber of Commerce will recommend one person to serve on a volunteer Citizens Advisory Committee, which will monitor the spending and the projects to ensure that the money goes to the priorities of each school. A list of those projects and more information about the half-cent proposal can be found at We have not had a sales tax to benefit schools in over twenty years. If you want to strengthen our local economy, then cast your vote to strengthen schools and vote “YES” on the half-cent sales tax, because School Cents Makes Sense!
