Why is it so hard to stay happy?

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  • 4:3 min

Why is it so hard to stay happy?

By Kelly Switzer

Today we would like to focus your intention upon the topic of happiness. We watch as so many get dismayed as they chase the elusive feeling of happiness. We will share with you why it is often only moments of short-lived happiness rather than a sustained state of being. You see many often are in a constant state of chasing happiness rather than learning how to sustain it. Is a constant state of happiness attainable? Indeed, it is well within all of your reaches. But first we would like to share with you our perspective on how happiness can be not only achieved but maintained.

We will start with a bold statement; nothing can make you happy. You must first find the happiness that already exists within you and only then will you find the happiness that you seek. Many are under the impression that if they only accomplish a goal, obtain a particular product, or find the perfect partner, they will surely find the happiness that they seek. But this cannot be so, as everything in your reality is only a mirror of the feelings and vibrations you are pulsing out. It would be similar to expecting the mirror to show a more youthful and vibrant image of you and only then will you feel the youth and vibrancy you seek. The image that the mirror reflects can’t change unless you do.

This analogy may sound silly to you, but it’s what many people do when they are seeking something outside of themselves. Remember that nothing can bring to you something that you are not already in alignment with. No material object, or even another being is capable of bringing to you what you do not already hold within. Many continually seek material abundance and expect that happiness, joy and peace of mind will follow, but this is not so.

So why is it that you still feel bursts of happiness when you receive a gift, purchase a new product, meet someone new? Because your mind believes it will make you happy, its excited about the new manifestation; only to soon realize that the empty feeling still remains when the “newness” wears off. Only by following your inner joy will it lead you to a place of peace and happiness. Happiness cannot be found, it can only be made. Many often say that it is their lack of abundance that is bringing them misery, but to this we reply, no it is your misery that is bringing you lack.

We do not just refer to material wealth when we speak about abundance. This is only one form of abundance. You can be abundant in health, wealth, friends, love, problems or fears. But we can assure you, you are always abundant in something.

If it is peace you seek, then you must first find it within yourself; only then will you attract more experiences that further elevate your sense of peace. If it is happiness you seek, then you must first find that happiness within yourself. With each goal, accomplishment or purchase you will only find a very short-lived emotion, but it will not last. Why it that? Because you are eternal creators. There will always be something else that you want, something else you can improve, or something else you can achieve.

There is nothing wrong with setting your sights upon something else however when you continually look to that new manifestation to save you from the despair that you feel it will continually be disappointing to you when the excitement and the newness yet again wear off. But we would like to remind you, that you all have the ability to find the peace and joy you seek right now, in this very moment. Nothing has to physically change in order for you to begin to find the happiness that you seek. However, when you begin to find the happiness within, everything in your reality will certainly change to reflect your new-found happiness.

You see each emotion that you have is a choice. You may wonder, why then would I choose to be sad, angry, or discontent? It is not that you want to feel sad, rather it is the result of your focus upon something that makes you feel so. We are not saying that it’s easy to shift your focus when everything feels like it’s going wrong, but it is a necessity in order to create a better experience moving forward.

Remember, nothing can take away your happiness, your joy, your inner peace but you. Yes, there are negative circumstances, but nothing can make you focus upon them any longer than you choose to.

We hope that you have found this message to be helpful.

Fear is a liar

In love and light.