What’s your Word for 2021

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  • 1:39 min

What’s your Word for 2021

By Bohemian Babushka

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

Feliz New Year!! Babushka feels pretty safe in saying Wow and Woah. That last one, 2020… again, Wow and Woah. Entre pandemic and politics, a most memorable year. Though many of us wouldn’t mind forgetting it. 

Did you come to realize what truly mattered to you? Did it help you make a resolution for the future? For today? Porque you know, they say that futuro tomorrow’s are made up of past todays. For her part, BB says hers is more realization than resolution. Matter of fact, “New Years Resolutions” is so ayer. Now it’s about Palabras de Power. One word to describe what your focus is in the coming year. An amiga chose “NOW” as hers, a very powerful mindset.

 Thinking hard on what BB wants in 2021, she realizes how truly Blessed she is. 

Tengo amor. Amor propio, pareja and familia

. Tengo de que comer, siempre. 

Tengo donde dormir. Sencillo pero es mio

So does that mean Babushka doesn’t want for more?


We were sent here to want more, to do more, for ourselves and our fellow Earth dwellers. With the longing for better, we raise expectations, vibrations. The level of living for todos would rise if we all wanted it so. So, aunque BB is grateful and content, her word would be- UPGRADE!!  MORE Amor, more often. She misses her familia and wouldn’t mind seeing them más. Comida, well obviously there has been no shortage, pero a healthier menu wouldn’t be a bad thing. Babushka’s bed is in a trailer, Sweetie’s home for over 20 years. A new concrete casa would be wonderful in 2021! Have Land, Need House. UPGRADE. Si, feeling Blessed, but could be Better.  La esperanza existe y todo es posible. 

What’s your word for this nuevo año Beautifuls?

Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.