What do you think about the topic of Artificial Intelligence?

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  • 1:49 min

By Jaime Eduardo Orozco Sanchez, Managing Director, San Matias Group LLC, www.sanmatiasgroup.com

I comment that, in reality, this emergence of smart technology is not something that new according to what I have been able to investigate. But it has always been done, although at different scales. Today many robots perform all kinds of functions in a chain, directed and coordinated by computers.

As is evident, the development of this technology is much more complex than designing a series of protocols for the movement of a machine in a production chain.

Hence, the applications for different industries are also very specific. This slows down its implementation a bit because it is not as simple as acquiring a new robot and putting it to work just like turning on a bulb, it requires time and a real match to the need.

Due to the importance of its development, the possibilities of use in each sector are the subject of attention by the managers of large corporations. However, there is still no decided strategy for its implementation in most companies.

In recent times, practically all spaces have undergone various changes, mainly due to technological advances, which are increasingly present in day-to-day business. Within this digital transformation, a fundamental role is the one that is making its way with Artificial Intelligence (AI), due to its leading role in both daily and professional life.

And the idea that we human beings are going to share our workspace with robotic objects, or with tools, which will allow us to have greater flexibility, is going to be much stronger every time. A good example of this are personal assistants such as: Siri, chatbots, the “smart home” fashion; We can also observe all this change, when we compare the previous vehicles with those of now, they are already extremely intelligent. For all this, AI is one of the axes that will determine the future of companies and organizations.

Artificial Intelligence provides us as a company with time and cost savings, an improvement in strategies as a result of the knowledge extracted from the data, a simplification of decision-making and greater innovation.

