Welcome y Hola 2018!

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Welcome y Hola 2018!

By Bohemian Babushka

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!! Adios 2017 and Hello 2018. Increible how fast that went. No se about ustedes, but Babushka for one is glad we got past that one.  For BB 2017 was a year of realization and reckoning. A year of shake up and shape up. Globally, events we didn’t want to see were highlighted for our attention, y aqui in our own backyard, ni se dice.  We were shown what needed to be fixed, needed our attention. No longer can we continue with “pa luego” and “someday”. This is on a personal, business y hasta mundial level. What are you wishing you did more of last year? Did 2018 catch you by surprise and you’re still tratando to do 2017 resolutions?

Beautifuls, hacemos algo. Let’s make this year easier for ourselves, while still being true to ourselves y lo que vivimos. Babushka’s 2018:

Be Grateful & live in the momento:

All we truly have is now. Whether you perceive it to be bueno o malo, this is yours. If someone comes into your mind, contact them. If something makes you happy, let it shine in your memoria and being. When negativity enters, acknowledge it, think what is being highlighted, and move on.  Live the NOW.

Take Better Care of Yourself:

Now does that mean no more arroz con frijoles or lechon? JU SO FONII!! But it does mean all things in conscious moderation. Eso incluye temperament y lo mental as well as the physical.  If something “te vuelve loco” ponte a pensar, do you really need it? Perhaps it’s time to find another way or leave it altogether.

Be with those who make you feel good:

Este in a way is part of el anterior. Surround yourself with love. Follow tu corazon and what it calls you to do, follow that direction. The cause you always wanted to help, ayudalo. Familia y friends you miss, call, contact them; feel good in that memory. Sobre todo, learn to feel good with self. Show kindness and amor to your being, tu historia and your futuro. Above all else.

Y alli tienes Beautifuls. Nothing concreto, pero todo completo.  2018 is ours to Be.

Babushka Besos a Todos. Cuidensen.