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  • 2:59 min

Source:  Robert L. Foster, Military & Veterans Resource Center

Veterans have created 22 new companies in less than 2 years in Northwest Florida guided by the University of West Florida’s Military and Veterans

Resource Center (MVRC).   The University of West Florida is ranked as the 5th “Most Veteran Friendly” out of 2000 Universities in the United States, and that accolade comes in large part from the dedication of the Staff at the UWF MVRC headed by Air Force Veteran, Lori Milkeris, Director of the MVRC. In addition, the MVRC, in Partnership with the Veterans Florida Entrepreneurial Training Program, added another invaluable service in August of 2017 when they brought USAR Veteran Bob Foster on board to head up Entrepreneurial Training for Veterans.  The MVRC welcomes incoming Veterans and ensures that they can take advantage of all the Education Benefits they have earned for their Military Service.  “Foster adds the real-world components on how to successfully and economically launch a new venture.”    In 1967, Foster, who grew up in Pensacola, was hired by IBM as a Field Engineer in Pensacola.  After a 17-year Career with IBM in positions such as Engineering, Development, Product Evaluation, Sales and Division Manager, Foster entered the Entrepreneurial community in Austin, Texas .

Foster went on to Found or Co-Found 12 Technology Companies in Austin, Texas. “My first Bankruptcy was from lack of experience. The second Bankruptcy we were flying high –  $500 million high – when the economy unexpectedly collapsed in the late 1980’s and my experience was suddenly of little value; the third literally came out of mid-air when the Jets slammed into the Twin Towers causing my major clients to cancel contracts at a critical juncture.  The Company, now owned by Venture Capitalists, is still thriving and has been renamed “So I can say that I am ‘Seasoned.”  Foster went on to state that his experiences, both good and bad, come into play when leading Veterans through the minefield that is a Startup.  Foster was running the Venture Hive Veterans Business Accelerator in 2016 before he migrated to the University of West Florida and subsequently became Program Coordinator for the University’s MVRC-VFEP Veterans Training Program. “I will be launching my fourth Cohort July 13 – the current Cohort Graduated May 18 – and I thought it would be beneficial for the Panhandle Community to recognize the successes of our Veterans.”  Foster went on to state that the real key to the success of the Program has been the selfless giving of time and talent by a cadre of Mentors: “Greg Miller, Keith Whelan, Nevin Shaffer, Marcia Schuffman, Patrick Rooney, Matt Foresman, Robert Bennett and Lloyd Reshard – several of them Graduates of the Program – support the classes, which are held every-other week for 9 weeks, half-days on Saturdays, and for three hours on Tuesday evenings. These seasoned Mentors, entrepreneurs and businesspersons save Startups from pain and loss of capital by sharing their knowledge and connections.  I also want to recognize James Sparks, Dr. Robert Perkins, Dr. Ed Ranelli, IT Gulf Coast, Innovation Coast and 1 Million Cups for their support.”   Foster went on to State, that while Startups traditionally have a high failure rate, the Graduates of the MVRC Veterans Florida Entrepreneurial Training Program have been trained to pivot to new models is failure is imminent.  “If you are going to fail – fail fast, and then pivot!”

THANK YOU TO Veterans Florida, DigiPro Media and Pensacola Social Desk for their Support and Donations to fund the Business Plan Pitch Contest.