Transformational Leadership

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  • 2:22 min

By Celemma Lara, Business Consultant and Entrepreneur Advisor, [email protected], IG: @CelemmaLara

Today we know that changes are a constant, however, the speed with which it is currently happening invites, challenges and sometimes forces us to develop or learn new ways of doing things, and leadership is not excluded from this dynamic.

If we observe companies in the face of the rapid effect of changes, we identify that, as a consequence, they have begun to make adaptations in their processes, to incorporate new technology that allows them greater agility and to create new strategies; but for many it has not been enough to obtain the desired results. In these cases, it is prudent and advisable to pay attention to leadership.

Leadership plays a fundamental role in achieving the successful execution of a strategy. Since the leader has the function of directing, fostering, shaping and facilitating changes through his influence on people, to transform this strategy into tangible results towards the vision of the organization.

Therefore, if you want your company to meet the objectives set, it is recommended to surround yourself with transformational leaders, that is, those who are comfortable with uncertainty, are willing to generate changes and also know how to do it.

Faced with this scenario of continuous changes, leadership sees the need to develop the ability of adaptability, which is the ability to change or be changed, to adapt to new circumstances. Always avoiding confusing adaptability with conformity.

Coach Dave Martin differentiates the two concepts very well: “Conformity is the negative quality of going with the flow, becoming mediocre, refusing to stand out or take advantage of our originality. Whereas, adaptability is the positive quality of perceiving the change in wind direction and proactively adjusting the heading to take advantage of that change in the wind.”

A study published in The Flux Report states that 91% of future job hires will be based on people’s ability to manage change and uncertainty.

Leaders with a willingness to change: Unlearn and learn constantly; they leverage their experience, but understand that the past does not guarantee success today; they are open to new proposals; they have the ability to observe and listen; They work well with diversity and although the uncertainty may generate fear, they move on.

It is important to remember that, to be a transformational leader, the willingness to change is not enough, it is also required to have the ability to generate them.

ABOUT CELEMMA: She was born in Caracas, Venezuela and is the mother of two daughters. She studied Chemical Processes. Worked at P&G, LATAM product development. She retired to become an entrepreneur and was a businesswoman for more than 20 years. She was trained as a Professional, Business, Team, Entrepreneurs & by Values ​​Coach. Celemma is Certified in Leadership by Values, Professional Consulting and Emotional Intelligence.