TOGETHER….we make a bigger impact!

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  • 2:46 min

TOGETHER….we make a bigger impact!

By David Triana, President, Conexión Media Group

I recently read an editorial from Ted Corcoran, CEO of the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce.  In it, he published the text from a speech that spoke about the great importance of networking and the relationships we build.  This is something that I have believed in for as long as I can remember, but, in the 13 years since I arrived in this area, I have definitely seen it at work by being an active member of the FWB Chamber and the community at large.

The network I have been fortunate to establish has been instrumental to the enterprises I’m directly involved in.  I can unequivocally say that the network and the relationships that we build are key to our business, our careers, and even more importantly, our life in general!

I want to take this time to invite everyone to participate in the fundraising and collection efforts that individuals like Pastor Miguel Perdomo and others are leading to help the people affected by the floods in Texas and especially in Houston.  It was great to see that “network” at work as text messages, e-mails and social media posts responding to Pastor Perdomo’s efforts started coming in.

For several years now, I have had the honor of organizing a “Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM) Kick-off” event with support from the FWB Chamber.  We try to use this event to ensure that Hispanic Heritage Month, the period from 15 September – 15 October, is properly observed in our Emerald Coast community.  This year’s theme is “Shaping the Bright Future of America” and as we have done each year, our event will include the three “Fs” that make a successful Latin-themed activity…FOOD, FUN, and FRIENDS.

This year, we have added another “F” to our event, Fundraising…and the proceeds from it will benefit One Hopeful Place (OHP), a homeless shelter in FWB.  To learn more about OHP, visit their Facebook page:

The Conexión Media Group team is committing to help raise awareness of these efforts and help motivate Hispanic business owners and Hispanics throughout our area to support OHP related activities.

Additionally, because we know the importance of the network and relationship building and the importance of TOGETHERNESS, we will use all our means possible to motivate the community at large.

When we work TOGETHER, especially when supporting worthy causes such as the relief efforts for Houston led by Pastor Perdomo, the efforts to raise funds for OHP, and other projects like that, we make a bigger impact!

Make a positive impact in your community…. the satisfaction you get by doing so is invaluable!

We wish everyone a great Hispanic Heritage Month!

HHM KICK-OFF EVENT:  Friday, 15 September, 6:30pm – 9pm, Brooks-Beale Center in Fort Walton Beach.  $20 donation / person includes Latin FOOD, FUN Entertainment, a silent auction, a presentation about OHP and a brief keynote speech by internationally renowned entrepreneur Dan Vega.  Indeed, this also will be a great opportunity to network among FRIENDS.  Proceeds will benefit One Hopeful Place.  We welcome corporate sponsors, individual donors, silent auction items, and food catering sponsorships!  Contact me at 850.368-3505 or [email protected]