Tips to working with a Financial Advisor – Phases and Stages

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  • 1:54 min

By Cetta Barnhart, Financial Representative with Modern Woodmen of America

Although most people think that it’s costly to work with a Financial Advisor, the opposite is true. By becoming friendly with one who works in this field you will find that at the soul of many of them is the desire to share as much information as they have about ways to save you money in the short and long run. They want to assist you with your financial plan through the many phases and stages of your life, be it changing job, marriage, new baby, new home, divorce, or retirement.

For instance, discussions about “life insurance” may be the last things you want to have with anyone.  Ensuring that there is enough money left on the table to take care of your family and/or business expenses should something happened to you is not the topic of Sunday dinner! And if it is, it just might be too late to get coverage.

In the event of a short or long term illness, how would that affect your family’s income? It doesn’t take as much as you think to put coverages in place to protect the ones you love and to keep your standard of living as normal as possible should a major shift occur. But if you never have the conversation with someone you can trust in Financial Services, you’ll never know.

Did you know that life insurance can also be a great benefit to you while you are still alive?  Betcha not many ever told you that!

No one wants to put their hard earned money in a hole and get nothing in return. Not many want to invest with someone they can’t trust or don’t know.  Your Financial Advisor should be easily accessible to you, like a trusted friend.  Their sole purpose is to design a specific financial plan for your personal, family or business situation.

Schedule an appointment with one today and tap into their wealth of information and resources. Find out what they can share with you that just might make your financial security look a little brighter. We’re here just to serve you!

If you have any questions, contact me at:  (850) 251-0386 [email protected]