This Father’s Day, pray for your husband


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This Father’s Day, pray for your husband

By Sheryl Boldt

How many dads (and moms, for that matter) would want their “parenting” televised? I can’t think of anything more intimidating.

If someone were to make a movie about your family, how many scenes would include dramatic music swells just before a commercial break?

When your husband catches your child sneaking in hours past curfew, would the producers add extra commercial breaks to break the tension? How many words spoken in anger would the director have to edit out so your “movie” would be family-friendly?

On Father’s Day, will your children give their dad a standing ovation for his gallant effort for the part he plays in the family? (Even if he’s a “part-time dad,” due to a divorce?)

The good news is that a really, really good director – indeed, the Director of all directors, stands in the wings to help your husband improve his performance. And you, his wife, get to play a big part in helping to make this happen.

I’d like to challenge you to pray every day for your husband to be the dad he saw modeled by his father – or the dad he wished he had. I’m talking about concentrated prayer every day for him to experience God’s power and presence. His confidence in being a good dad will grow as his faith in his heavenly Father’s love and care for him grows.

Perhaps your husband struggles with issues he’s afraid to admit – even to himself. He may feel insecure about being a dad, especially if he didn’t have the benefit of a good role model. Or maybe he feels the emotional distance of being “only” a stepdad.

Use relevant scripture to guide your prayers. For example, on the days your husband needs wisdom to handle a particular situation with one of your children, ask God to fill him with “the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding” (Colossians 1:9 ESV).

Consider asking him how you can pray for him each day. Your husband wants nothing more than to succeed. Ask God how you can encourage him.

Even without the lights and cameras, dads are under pressure to put on a stellar performance. And he faces this pressure day after day – without commercial breaks every fifteen minutes.

Your prayers can help him give the performance of a lifetime.

Sheryl H. Boldt writes fiction and non-fiction for children and adults. Her weekly devotions have appeared in newspapers across the South since 2014. She is also the author of the blog, Connect with her at [email protected].