The Results Are In: Top Factors that Make Work Fulfilling

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The Results Are In: Top Factors that Make Work Fulfilling

Source:  Express Employment Professionals, Refresh Leadership, August 15, 2022

From wonderful co-worker relationships to working on meaningful projects to adequate pay and benefits, there are many factors that may make your work fulfilling.

In July, we asked our readers to list the top factors that made their work fulfilling. The results may surprise you.

With 16%, the top answer to the monthly poll was “You feel like your work makes a difference/is meaningful,” followed by “Ability to provide for your family,” with 11%. With another 11% of the votes, readers said the “Ability to use their skills/expertise,” while 10% of respondents cited “Supportive leadership/boss” as a top factor that makes their work fulfilling.

The rest of the results are as follows:

“You have a high level of work-life balance” (10%)

“Great co-worker relationships” (9%)

“Overall positive company culture” (9%)

“You feel like you’re growing/developing” (8%)

“Belief in the company’s values/mission” (6%)

“Performance recognition from leadership/managers/colleagues” (4%)

“Interesting/unique projects” (4%)

Another 2% of respondents chose the “other” option. Here are a few of their responses:

“Ability to help others and influence positive change.”

“Making what I feel is a good salary.”

“Gives me purpose.”

“It’s my amazing supportive co-workers. We make it fun despite the toxic work environment.”

“Fun and exciting.”

“Variety of tasks.”

“There is nothing that makes my work fulfilling at my current job anymore.”
