The Power of Saying “NO”

barbara britt portrait

Table of Contents

  • 2:49 min

Just two simple letters but such a powerful word.  In fact, if you use this word correctly it can actually set you free.  As 2020 is only a month longer and 2021 is a short month away we need to take this opportunity to say no and use the word wisely.  How many of you hear and say that word yes so much that it is now dictating your life?  I think this quote by Steve Jobs puts it into alignment with what is happening to so many of us.

“It’s only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.”

So as the month of December comes crashing in it is now time to Stop waiting for things to go back to normal, clean up and be as productive as possible in December.  Take a look at what transpired in 2020 what worked and what did not?  In order to do this with clarity and intentionality you must have an honest conversation with yourself.  Don’t continue to do something because you have always done it, or out of perceived obligation and fear of letting others down.

“It’s ok to say NO to things that drain you.  Show up for what really matters,”

~Michelle Maros~

My answer to cleaning up and preparing your 2021 calendar is to go over 2020 and incorporate the Undo List.  I have already taught it by zoom twice in November and will do it again once in December.  Why you might ask because it works. Otherwise we resort to New Year’s Resolutions and along with 80% of the rest of the human race we don’t follow through and we become disillusioned and depressed and we let half of our productive year go by before we come up with a new plan.  Just let me say that over half of the new plans is to wait until the next year. 

Another reason to incorporate the Undo List is that we as humans all over the world have resorted to blaming a year 2020 for everything and our solution is to lay back, binge watch tv, wait for others to tell us what to do, and wait for the miracle of 2021.  Certainly, we must follow health policies and safety procedures but that does not mean we allow creativity to be held back.  How do you intend to create 2021?  How will you and your family define the direction you want to follow and be known for?

What is the power of saying no?  It allows you to be able to say no so you feel empowered while still maintaining your relationship with others.  It can even help you to set up boundaries and allows others the clarity about what they can expect from you.  When you say no when that’s what you mean indicates respect for yourself and the others person.

“When you say no, you are only saying no to one option.  When you say yes, you are saying no to every other option.”

~James Clear~

For more information on how to incorporate the Undo List go to, and register as a group, family, or individually.
