The awakening of consciousness

Pamela di Pascuale

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  • 2:9 min

The awakening of consciousness

By Pamela Di Pascuale, Life & Wellness Coach at Entrepreneurs with a Purpose| @pamdipascuale |[email protected]

Awakening is not a concept that can be understood intellectually, it is rather an experiential journey towards the essence of your Being, which allows you to discover who and what you really are.

Awakening of consciousness is a process of inner transformation in which you begin to become aware of yourself and walk a continuous path of personal evolution towards your true identity, something that no one else can do for you. It is that realization that life is a learning process and that each situation that we label as a “problem” is just an experience necessary to grow and evolve.

We are responsible for our lives, able to free ourselves from our negative thoughts, to live with less suffering, to stop being slaves to a strongly conditioned mental program.

We do not see life as it is, but as we are and that is why we must overcome all the blocks that prevent our authentic being, still asleep, from awakening.

Consciousness defines our being and my intention with this is to understand how awareness is, above all, an awakening. It is opening your eyes from within to make the unconscious conscious and to be able to take the necessary step towards personal growth.

Awakening consciousness is a deep process of:

·  Return to your essence and discover who you really are.

·  Unlearn. Let go, trust in life to try Being more.

·  Live the present and surrender to intuition to get out of the illusion about the past and the future, to surrender to the experience of life, without filters. Here and now.

·  Stop seeing yourself as a victim to become the owner and creator of your life. There is your power, responsibility and freedom.

·  Be authentic. Stop playing a role influenced by what society, your family or what your limiting beliefs have instilled in you.

·  Recognize the ignorance of your mind and realize that what you think is just a point of view, not the truth; to stop identifying with your thoughts and defending them tooth and nail.

· Make this dimension conscious with the purpose of exerting change, of rebuilding that part of the SELF to heal ourselves and get rid of what hurts us, will lead us to what we deserve.

You are here for something big and therefore I suggest you reflect on it. Open your eyes, wake up, remember who you really are. Happy beginning of the month of October!