Talquin Electric Cooperative

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  • 1:4 min

Talquin Electric Cooperative

By Kim Gay

Talquin is a member owned, not-for-profit electric cooperative serving approximately 53,000 homes and businesses across Gadsden, Leon, Liberty and Wakulla counties.  Talquin Electric’s service area covers 2,600 square miles of north Florida and is headquartered in Gadsden County. Talquin provides electric, water, and wastewater services and is a member of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association which includes 900 electric cooperatives across America.

All of our Members matter!  We work every day to improve the quality of life for our Members by powering our communities.

Talquin is in the process of developing a Spanish website that will serve our Latino community.  We would love any input from you regarding better ways to serve you with this tool.  The site will be developed in stages with the basic site being set up first.  Please send any suggestions to us at [email protected].

We have recently joined with other community leaders to form Step Up for Gadsden to help those living in poverty take steps toward a more sustainable life. For more information, go to:  www.StepUpforGadsden.com

Let us know how we can make this site the best it can be.  Thank you for allowing us to serve you at Talquin Electric.  Our website is www.talquinelectric.com