Stay safe – keep your distance from power lines

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Stay safe – keep your distance from power lines

FPL offers safety tips in English, Spanish and Creole

JUNO BEACH, Fla. – Keep your distance from power lines. Whether you’re trimming trees and vegetation as a precaution for hurricane season or simply enjoying the outdoors this summer, Florida Power & Light Company reminds you to stay away from power lines.

You can be seriously injured or killed if you or anything you are touching comes in contact with a power line. Always stay at least 10 feet away from neighborhood power lines and at least 30 feet away from larger power lines. That applies to you and anything you’re touching or standing on.

When trimming trees or vegetation, always carefully look first for power lines and stay far away from them. Only a specially trained and qualified line-clearing professional should trim trees near power lines.

To learn more, visit, where you’ll find brief animated safety videos and other information.

To see the videos in Spanish, go here:
