Something dads need to hear


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  • 2:13 min

By Sheryl Boldt

I almost chickened out on writing this Father’s Day column. After all, I’ve never been a dad. And as a lady who respects men, I certainly don’t want to come across as lecturing on how to be a better dad (as if I could, anyway).

Then suddenly, I knew what I wanted to tell you. It’s something my heart has wanted to say for a long time: I admire you.

I admire you because I couldn’t begin to imagine the pressures you face. Without discounting your wife’s contributions, the pressures of overseeing and providing for your family, especially in today’s culture, must be extremely challenging.

To the dad who is a believer, I’d love to know what verses you meditate on to get you through each day. What your prayer life is like as you seek wisdom to lead your children to trust the God you place your confidence in. I’d love to hear the words you use to praise your heavenly Father when He answers prayer requests for your children. I admire your commitment to model Christ to your kids. 

To the dad who has not yet chosen to follow Christ, but also loves his family, I can only guess how often you sacrifice to assure your kids are provided for. How many words of encouragement you utter when your child needs your support. How many times you show up at your child’s baseball games or recitals. How much you love those hugs your child gives you at the end of every day. I admire your dedication to your family.

To the dad who fears he’s become the father he vowed he’d never be – the dad you resented when you were growing up. It’s possible your dad set out to be a loving, involved parent, but instead found himself making the same mistakes his own father made, and so on, and so on. I admire you because you’re still trying. Because you refuse to give up trying to break the cycle.

May I share one of my favorite verses with every dad who is reading this column? “Not that I have already obtained it [this goal of being Christ-like] or have already been made perfect, but I actively press on so that I may take hold of that [perfection] for which Christ Jesus took hold of me and made me His own” (Philippians 3:12 AMP)  

Press on, dads. 

Sheryl H. Boldt is the author of the blog, You can reach her at [email protected].