Sigue Nuestro Mes Y Necesidad.
HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
BB se repite, porque no hay de otro. HAY QUE VOTAR!! We have no problems complaining outloud, so why don’t we do something about it and vote? THAT is the only way to be truly represented, with numbers, in numbers. For that reason Babushka joined
In their #InThisTogether campaign.
“¡Pon tu cara en el marco! ¿Como vas a votar el 3 de noviembre?

La elección del 2020 será una de las más importantes de nuestra vida y cada voto es importante. MamásConPoder marca el ritmo y genera entusiasmo para salir a votar. Depende de nosotros asegurarnos de que nuestras voces sean escuchadas. Agrega tu foto y comparte lo que te trae a las urnas en noviembre. #Elections2020 #InThisTogether “
The link to get your own frame- and a little video de Babushka explaining why she’s voting EARLY. Si, unbelievable, but it’s that importante to BB. How about to you? How badly do you want change? Representation? Equality? Y’all know the dicho, “The squeaky wheel gets the oil.” or the Spanish equivalent, “Bebé que no llore no máme.” Now is the time to cry Beautifuls, and LOUD. With everything we have. With everyone we have. Don’t lose your voice; don’t lose your voto.
Our obligacion, derecho y deber. This is OUR COUNTRY TOO. And lest anyone forget or doubt it, let us remind them. That’s what this whole “Hispanic Heritage Month” is about isn’t it? To not have anyone forget or doubt our role, our part, our history in this country. A reminder. Especially to ourselves. Go out and vote.
#InThisTogether #LatinxVotan
BB2U Cuidensen.