Seven Decisions

Table of Contents

  • 3:28 min

Seven DECISIONS that determine personal success!

  1. The Buck stops here. I am RESPONSIBLE for my past and my future.
  2. I will seek WISDOM.  I will be a SERVANT TO OTHERS
  3. I am a PERSON of ACTION. I seize this moment, I choose now
  4. I have a DECIDED heart. My destiny is assured
  5. Today I will CHOOSE to be HAPPY. I am the POSSESSOR of a GRATEFUL SPIRIT
  6. I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit. I will forgive myself
  7. I will PERSIST without exception. I am a person of great FAITH


  1. The Responsible Decision:  The buck stops here.  I accept responsibility for my past.  I am responsible for my success.  I will not let my history control my destiny.  The Responsible Decision shows us to stop blaming other people and outside circumstances for where we are in life.  Instead, we can chart our life’s course, allowing our lives to become testaments to the true power of choice.
  2. The Guided Decision:  I will seek wisdom.  God moves mountains to create the opportunity of His choosing.  It is up to me to be ready to move myself.  The Guided Decision helps us discover invaluable counsel through books, people and service.  We learn to evaluate the network of influential people in our lives, to see wisdom from the knowledge of others, and, perhaps most important, to commit to a life of SERVICE.
  3. The Active Decision:  I am a person of action.  Many people move out of the way for a person on the run; others are caught up in his wake.  I will be that person on the run!  The Active Decision is a wake-up call.  Taking consistent action is crucial to the realization of a successful life.  We’re often amazed, even baffled, by the accomplishments of highly successful people, yet many of their accomplishments occur because of relentless action.
  4. The Certain Decision:  I have a decided heart.  Criticism, condemnation, and complaint are creatures of the wind.  They come and go on the wasted breath of lesser beings and have no power over me.  With the Certain Decision, we learn to break through fear and judgment to pursue our dreams with determination and focus.  With a decided heart, we set our course and assure our destiny.
  5. The Joyful Decision:  Today I will choose to be happy.  My very life is fashioned by choice.  First I make choices.  Then my choices make me.  The Joyful Decision is perhaps the most misunderstood of all the Decisions.  The Joyful Decision demonstrates that happiness is a choice, and if you’re not happy right now, it’s a consequence of your own choosing, not the circumstances of life.
  6. The Compassionate Decision:  I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit.  I know that God rarely uses a person whose main concern is what others are thinking.  The Compassionate Decision can heal your heart, mind, and soul.  Harboring anger and resentment poisons our minds and hinders our ability to live the other six Decisions with any measure of effectiveness.  Forgiveness frees our spirits.
  7. The Persistent Decision:  I will persist without exception.  Reason can only be stretched so far, but FAITH has no LIMITS.  The only limit to my realization of tomorrow is the doubt to which I hold fast today.  The Persistent Decision reveals a critical “twist” to the notion of persistence:  Persisting “without exception” is key to achieving extraordinary levels of success in any area of life.  When we consistently make the Persistent Decision, our success is boundless.

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR:  The items below are from two of my favorite books, “The Traveler’s Gift” and  “Mastering  the Seven DECISIONS that determine Personal Success.”  These books were written by Andy Andrews.  I invite you to go to Andy’s website for some great products that I am sure you will enjoy.  He is an outstanding story teller.