Pamela di Pascuale

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  • 2:13 min


By Pamela Di Pascuale, Entrepreneur Advisor | @pamdipascuale | [email protected]

RECONNECT WITH YOUR BODY — We are our body, but we have come to separate ourselves from it so much that we have turned it into a stranger, we treat it as something alien that we want to change at will and that only brings us suffering.

Probably, these words or very similar ones, our body would say to us aloud:

“I’m mad at you.” You just feed me so I don’t die – all the time you’re worrying about diet and whether or not I’m fat.

How long have you not eaten for pleasure, savoring food without anxiety? You only care about my appearance. You don’t let me move; we spend most of our time sitting.

How long has it been since we danced or did a sport that we like? Not to mention the hours of sleep I need. Always working, you have to take the opportunity to do things until late at night, so we don’t sleep. On top of that, you demand that I be awake and active all day. I have no energy if I don’t sleep!

You want me to adapt to what you believe and not to what I need. In the morning, coffee and stimulants to keep me awake. Since I can’t relax later, you want to make me sleep with sleeping pills. And then you complain that you have anxiety!

Do you remember the last time we relaxed and enjoyed what we like, being in nature, stroll, walking in the sand?

Every time you overextend me, I get unbalanced, it’s my way of expressing myself.

It is not that we “have” a body, as we believe, in reality, we “are” our body. We are more aware of how the body should be, instead of letting ourselves feel, listen and attend to the needs it has:

• We do not pay attention to the signals and messages that it sends us

• We do not know its language

• We don’t trust it or its ability to understand it and be able to do something to make it be well.

My invitation is to feel it as one more part of ourselves. Realize that we are the ones who can reappropriate the body:

  • Let’s listen to it more and trust it
  • Believe that it has knowledge and the ability to self-regulate and be well
  • Do not consider it as something inferior to be mastered

Having a good relationship with the body is dedicating time to it so that it is well, feeding it healthily, sleeping, resting and relaxing is essential.

Happy beginning of December!
