Pray for America. Then do it again tomorrow

By Sheryl Boldt America has problems. This truth may be the only thing we can all agree on in this current political climate.  When I first told my husband, Bert, that I wanted to write an upbeat article about why I love America, I couldn’t wait to begin. In fact,…

By Sheryl Boldt

America has problems. This truth may be the only thing we can all agree on in this current political climate. 

When I first told my husband, Bert, that I wanted to write an upbeat article about why I love America, I couldn’t wait to begin. In fact, I sang “This Is My Country” during the next several days. Although a bit off key, I sang it with patriotic gusto.

But when I thought about what to write, I struggled. With every line I wrote, I imagined the push back I’d receive. Even among Christ followers, differences on how we see issues viciously abound. 

Yet I boldly declare (“bold” is in my name, after all) that I am a proud American. With all her faults, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. I accept that my country isn’t perfect. I know she never will be. 

How can America be perfect when everyone who lives within her borders, including every leader (political and spiritual), is imperfect and fallible – imperfect, fallible people who need God? This is why we need to constantly pray for our leaders and each other, as Paul instructs us to do in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (ESV): 

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”

When we intercede for our country, we obey God – and serve as wise citizens. Simply put, everyone benefits when we ask God to grant wisdom to our leaders, show us reasons to be thankful for one another, and give us a desire to honor Him in everything we do and say.

When I considered Paul’s words, I realized my message shouldn’t be about how much I love America as much it should be about how we could live more peaceably together.

I realize that even if every one of us commits to praying for each other, many will still strongly disagree on different issues. I hope, however, that interceding for each other will unite us as a nation. 

Please don’t give up on one another. Please don’t give up on the country you love. Before you go to bed tonight, pray for America. Then do it again tomorrow.

Sheryl H. Boldt is a sales executive for Wave 94 and author of the blog, Connect with her at [email protected].

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