Phil Ehr, Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives (FL-01)

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  • 2:37 min

PERSONAL PROFILE Phil Ehr, Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives (FL-01)

Phil Ehr is a Democrat and retired U.S. Navy officer.  He is fighting for the people of Northwest Florida and against Washington chaos that he sees amplified by the incumbent congressman, Matt Gaetz.  Phil arrived in Pensacola in 1984 as a Petty Officer Second Class (Surface Warfare), where he earned his officer’s commission and “Wings of Gold.”  Phil went on to fly classified signals reconnaissance in the Cold War, Desert Storm, the Balkan wars and other conflicts during an honorable 26-year career.

He met Sue Jenny during his Pentagon tour.  They soon married and raised two loving daughters as an American family abroad.  By the time Phil retired from the Navy at the rank of Commander, Sue had resumed her career as an international business attorney.  Sue’s income enabled Phil to devote himself to some of their daughters’ activities—a children’s opera and competitive chess.

He spent nine years teaching part-time in public and private schools.  He also taught British military officers in their war college.  Along the way, Phil helped to expose financial corruption in an international sports federation linked to the Kremlin and the oil trade between the Syrian regime and the terrorist group, ISIS.  As Christians who love America, the Ehrs are stepping forward to uphold fundamental American values that are threatened by political manipulation and unnecessary drama.

Phil’s priorities include good paying jobs with infrastructure stimulus and workforce development paid for by adjusting the 2017 tax law; affordable healthcare solutions from open congressional hearings rather than back room deals; and good public schools in every community by raising respect and pay for public school teachers.  Phil believes our government must honor commitments to military veterans and the elderly who contributed to Medicare and Social Security.  He supports Congressional action to reduce gun violence and reform immigration.  Most of all, Phil believes Congress must enact sustainable economics and sustainable environmental policies, because failure in either would be an immoral legacy to future generations.

Chaos in Washington threatens economic well-being of Northwest Florida’s working families.  If elected, Phil would fight Trump administration efforts expand offshore oil drilling and remove safety regulations on existing oil rigs.  Phil supports government recognition of the ancient concept of “customary use” of Florida beaches.  He opposed Gaetz’s failed legislation that would have removed environmental protections on the eastern portion of Santa Rosa Island.  Phil opposes reckless deregulation of large banks and corporations and supports common sense relief to small banks and small businesses.

Phil is the only candidate to qualify with voter petitions from each of the five counties in this congressional district.  He received the Northwest Florida Central Labor Council’s recommendation for a potential Florida AFL/CIO endorsement.  To date, Phil’s campaign attracted more than 700 donors with an average donation of approximately $70.  Visit, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram to learn more and join the campaign offering a credible alternative for the people of Northwest Florida.
