Oct 27, 2022:  The first ‘Pensacola Women’s Hispanic Network Event’, hosted by Plaintiffs’ Gambit in collaboration with MelMiche (Melanie Luna and Michele Schamberger), was held at a lavish Pensacola Beach House.

MelMiche’s empowerment movement was palpable as women navigated the room starting first as strangers and quickly becoming long-time friends.

The theme was immediately seen and felt: unity in the community. The night was a huge success, filled with food, fun, laughter, and, of course, dancing!

Life’s A Dance Studio’s Victor Luna led a salsa samba group class that had the women gliding across the floor asking for the song not to end.

The event was made possible with the following incredible sponsors: aDoor Property Management; SIGMA Accounting & Consulting, Diyee Del Portal; Jumping Lomo Peruvian Food truck, Jess Gonzales; Viva Chile Cafe – Rincon Latino, Patricia Rojas; Peru &international food flavor LLC, Maria Linomontes; Guadalupe Tex-Mex Kitchen, Roberto Paucar Ramos; LD Haute Couture – Wedding & Formal Dress Alterations, L Dary Lopez; The Boozy Bartender, Brittany Blankenship; Life’s A Dance Studio, Victor Luna/Melanie Luna.

For more about Plaintiff’s Gambit:

Source:  Melanie Luna

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Traditionally our industry has used Lorem Ipsum, which is placeholder text written in Latin. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with Lorem Ipsum and that can lead to confusion. I can’t tell you how many times clients have asked me why their website is in another language!

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