Panhandle United Roller Derby

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  • 1:19 min

Panhandle United Roller Derby

By Monica A. Heimes, League President/Safety Director / Edited By Dorian Busby, League Treasurer

In 2017, you can find Panhandle United Roller Derby traveling the states with our All-Star Team and The Beach Brawl Sk8r Dolls taking over our home track as the home team.

Currently we are ranked 205 in the World under the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association!

You can catch the Beach Brawl Sk8r Dolls on their home track at the Northwest Florida Fairgrounds on August 19th. Doors open at 4:00pm with a bout time of 5:00pm. The showcase charity for the night is Youth Village. During each bout, the league collects donations and/or presents a portion of their proceeds to a local charity.

Panhandle United Roller Derby

Traducido por Conexión:

En 2017, Panhandle United Roller Derby viaja a otros estados con el Equipo de Estrellas y las Beach Brawl Sk8r Dolls se apoderan de la pista local como el equipo de casa.

¡Actualmente estamos en el ranking 205 mundial bajo la Asociación de Mujeres Flat Track Derby!

Puedes ver a las Beach Brawl Sk8r Dolls en su pista casera de las Northwest Florida Fairgrounds el próximo 19 de agosto.  Las puertas se abrirán a las 4 pm y la pelea empieza a las 5 pm.  Esa noche, la fundación benéfica que reconoceremos será Youth Village.  Durante cada pelea en nuestro calendario local, la liga recoge donaciones o presenta una porción de sus ganancias a una organización benéfica local.



ITEMS FOR BOX:  Logo for Youth Village plus

Youth Village is in need of donations for their 2017-2018 school year.  Bring a donation of the items listed below and receive a $3.00 discount at the door!

8oz Styrofoam Cups, Paper Towels, Paper Plates, Apple Juice (pouches), Hand Sanitizer, Gold Fish crackers, Pretzels, Animal Crackers, Chocolate Chip Cookies in Packages, and Clorox Wipes

For more info on Youth Village, go to:

