NEW CLIENTS DEAL – Hispanic Heritage Month Editions

Table of Contents

  • 1:43 min

REGULAR AD RATES ARE:  ¼ page:  $240 color, $190 b/w; ½ page:  $480 color, $380 b/w; ¾ page:  $620 color, $520 b/w, Full Page:  $860 color, $660 b/w.

SPECIAL A:  ALL clients, regardless of ad size or color, will receive a 25% discount in our Sep or Oct editions!

SPECIAL B:  Contracts of 3 editions or longer for ad sizes of ¼ page to full page in color!  Clients will receive a 30% discount… PLUS the below benefits!     (Editions starting in September)

In addition to the ad in our hardcopy edition of CONEXION, you will receive:

1.  FREE Square WEBAD in our website (redirects visitor to yours when clicked or to your Facebook site).  These are normally $125!  Go to our site to see examples of these ads.

2.  Periodic Uploads of electronic version of the ad to our SIX Facebook pages (Conexión Media Group, Conexión, Making Connections, Hispanics and Friends LINKed, INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Fort Walton Beach, and Conexao Brasileira).  

3.  Periodic uploads of electronic version of ad to Conexion’s Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIN sites.

4.  Periodic uploads of electronic version of ad to a minimum of 5 Facebook “community groups” we belong to in our North/NW Florida and Southern Alabama region. (thousands of members total in these groups)

5.  Invite to host an HFL Networking Social at your place of business or an agreed location.
     a.  Our next HFL is a virtual one and will be in Mid-September

6.  Invite to be “Featured Business” at an HFL of your choice.

NOTE:  We create ads professionally at no additional cost and you may change it each month at no cost either!



1.  20% DISCOUNT from the sponsor level amounts for the 3rd Annual INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Fort Walton Beach (scheduled for March 2021, 10am – 7pm, at The Landing).

2.  20% DISCOUNT for a vendors’ booth at the 3rd Annual INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Fort Walton Beach.

3.  25% DISCOUNT on any of the advertising packages we offer for the MAKING CONNECTIONS Interview Show.