By Bohemian Babushka
HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! Es May already. Wow and Woah. No se about y’all, but the start of 2022 BB was slowly leaving the Covid cloud, emerging at a hesitant pace, pero happy to be emerging. Pasito a pasito, truthfully it was kinda nice to go at a measured mind frame. Febrero of course being the shortest month went by quickly, after that, the “new normal” has sent in and ya May is here! They say April Showers bring May Flowers, which besides the obvious means adversity bring loveliness, what slows you down becomes an asset. Think about that Beautifuls. Have you been watching your jardin grow?
Do you remember your New Year’s resolutions? Your goals for the year, the things you wanted to do, the vision of your life. Go back to your garden. Si, BB knows, a lot of fertilizing has been going on, time to till the tierra. Weed out the things you no longer want or have space for and cultivate your cosecha. Think and Thin Out what is truly you, all else can be put aside.

And what has this to do with Mother’s Day? Bueno, to start, we’re talking May is for new growth, and isn’t that what makes mothers, that “new growth”. Again, besides the obvious, the growth is a wonderful gift to mom. To see their child grow against life’s adversities, to see them find their strengths, their desires, and go for them in all weather, to bloom into their own and stand tall in the sun. To see them swaying through the seasons, staying true to their colors and calling, this is the greatest gift you can give your madre. Her cosecha is charged and cosmic, ever growing, filled with truths and love. Show her your love and gratitude Beautifuls, show her a life you love. Become a master gardener and share your bounty. A lifelong gift for a lifelong love.
Babushka Besos a Todos. Cuidensen.