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  • 2:13 min

“MAKING A DIFFERENCE – Timothy M. Jones”

Timothy is an inspirational speaker, in Pensacola, Florida.


He is a US Navy veteran and currently attends the University of West Florida (UWF) to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.

Timothy was once a “homeless” veteran, but is now, a veteran with a home.

In the spring of 2014, he was the first participant to graduate from the Volunteers of America program in Escambia County Florida. This program was created to assist homeless veteran’s transition from homelessness into permanent homes.

He was recognized by Student Veterans of America in 2014 and awarded the President’s Volunteer Service Award with over 260 volunteer service hours. .

Timothy’s passion is advocating for veterans on his campus and in his community. On the campus of UWF Timothy served as Executive Chairman of UWF MEN (Men’s Empowerment Network) a new initiative designed to mentor and retain the men on the campus of UWF.  Under his leadership, the team grew this new initiative 466.67% in its second full semester.  As the Vice Chairman of the Gulf Coast African American Chamber of Commerce Mr. Jones advocates for the needs of the minority community in Escambia County relative to economic development.

Timothy proudly stands on his story to light a path for others. His motto is “A mistake is simply a missed take. We each get a second take to be who we are destined to become.”

He also founded “Colorful Voices”, a company born out of his life journey.  As Timothy said, “At one time I was informed, due to my “colorful” life experience, that my voice did not matter because the only thing of value I accomplished was serving my country and I did not do that well.  I knew from those statements that I needed to create a company that celebrates our differences to uplift and inspire our communities.”

Timothy’s mission and commitment is to END veteran homelessness.  He is the force behind the upcoming screening in Pensacola of the award winning, internationally renowned documentary “Among the Discarded”.  After viewing the film, and speaking with the film director, Trent Dion Soto, about his recent experience in Fort Walton Beach during the May screening in that city, Timothy decided that Trent would be the perfect collaborator to serve the area’s community of veterans.

Timothy will soon release his first book “Missed Take” and is working on a conference in 2016 that will highlight mentorship, coaching, inspiration and business development.

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR:  Conexión congratulates Timothy Jones for his resilience and perseverance and for working hard to “Make a Difference” in the lives of others.