Table of Contents

  • 2:31 min

This is a special promotional deal aimed at elected office candidates and election season related campaigns!

ABOUT THE SHOW:  The MAKING CONNECTIONS Interview Show is a Conexión Media Group product and is professionally recorded and edited by RJ Murdock of Emerald Coast Television in his studio in downtown Fort Walton Beach.  We aim to record it once a month (recordings were affected by COVID-19). 

Once the show is edited and finalized by RJ Murdock, it is uploaded to the CONEXION YOUTUBE CHANNEL, the Conexión website, shared to our six Facebook pages, plus the link is shared via Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.   RJ Murdock also broadcasts it via ROKU and Amazon Fire TV and loads it to his Emerald Coast TV website.  Additionally, the show is streamed via Crestview Community TV’s Facebook page.

NOTE 1 **:  As needed during the pandemic situation, the show is conducted and recorded virtual via ZOOM-PRO and shared via Facebook Live.  Additionally, the show, when recorded via ZOOM-PRO, is provided to RJ Murdock for final editing and then is loaded to:  The CONEXION YOUTUBE CHANNEL, the Conexión website, shared to our six Facebook pages, plus the link is shared via Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.   RJ Murdock also broadcasts it via ROKU and Amazon Fire TV and loads it to his Emerald Coast TV website.  Additionally, the show is streamed via Crestview Community TV’s Facebook page.

NOTE 2 **:  When using the Virtual format via ZOOM-PRO, we will discuss the options we use related to “where” and “how” the interviews with the candidates will be conducted.  The options may include the candidates calling in from their home or office or the candidates going into the Emerald Coast TV studio and joining the ZOOM meeting from there.

Our current special for elected official candidates and/or related campaign representatives that would like to be interviewed in the upcoming editions of our MAKING CONNECTIONS Interview Show includes:   

     a.  Being one of the two or three candidates (or designated program representative) interview spots within the show (up to 8-minute interviews – questions would be provided ahead of recording).   NOTE:  The interviews are conducted individually with each candidate.  Time of interview may be increased based on the number of candidate interviewees in each show.

     b.  One 1/4-page color ad ($240.00 value) in our Conexión monthly publication (next edition is 4 September)

     c.  Option to place a candidate provided campaign video, of up to 2 minutes in length, within the final edited version of the show. (* See below)

PRICE:  $500.00 (this rate will be higher if the client wants an ad larger than ¼ page)

* The cost will be reduced to $400.00 if the candidate does not have a campaign video to provide. Link to a previous show:
