Living in JOMO – The Joy of Mission Out

barbara britt portrait

Table of Contents

  • 3:29 min

By Barbara Britt

The ability to chart your activities with a daily paper agenda during the year will allow you to see what is really working with and for you.  You need to also take into account the people that you are allowing to influence you.  It has been said that You Are the Average of The Five People You Spend the Most Time With, Your Influencers.  Doing This intense evaluation and taking the time in the months of November and December will enable you to create your best year in 2020.  Taking the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) enables you build your plan of action with the actions steps necessary to reach your goals next year and build the continuity plan for all future growth.

When you live with constant bombardment of things you could or should do it takes your time and mental energy.  It has the added effect of closing you down with fatigue or fear. You will find yourself filling your calendar with busy work, other people priorities, or doing something because you feel guilty saying no.  Then you find that you are disappearing because you have left no time to for you or your passions.

JOMO is about being present and filled with your talents and passions.  It’s

about tuning out the noise and letting go of the “shoulds” and of worrying you’re not doing enough.  Living in JOMO enables you to use The Undo List, Action Steps, Backward Calendars and Building Your Circle of Influence. When you free up that space in your brain, it benefits your quality of life—and career—because you have more mental and physical energy for your true priorities, passion, goals and visions.

Taking the much-needed time in November and December to reflect over the last year then doing the Undo List and Circle of Influence will allow you to create learn and doable action plans to carry you into 2020.  Waiting to do this in January keeps you from fully realizing the opportunities that will come to you once you have done the preparations. 

Here are some steps to keep you in JOMO and the creation of a clear path:

Clear About Your Priorities:  While looking at what transpired this last year what worked and what did not?  Will it be something that will allow you to work in your strengths, your passion, and meet your goals?  Look at the big picture and then take the action necessary to go further off to eliminate it from your picture.

Be Intentional With Your Time:  Is this serving the big picture, will it allow you to grow and develop personal and professionally?  Will it give you time to build or is it a creativity buster?

Give Yourself Permission to Step Out Big and That Failure Is an Option:  You have heard this before Go Big or Go Home.  Put at least one big bodacious goal in there and don’t let the fear of not winning keep you from trying.  Be part of something bigger than yourself.

Give Yourself Permission to Be Where You Are:  Know where you are and where you want to go.  Do not judge your success by what others dream for you.  Make sure to add time for yourself, even if you have to get up early to do that.

Practice the art of saying NO!  You don’t have to give a reason or justify and if you never have any intention of doing it don’t say maybe later, or I will if you cannot get someone else to. 

Everyone can have the ability to create the life they want to live and I would like to help you with the skills and talents to do so.  If you’re interested in working the Undo List, creating your backwards calendar, and creating your Circle of Influence.  Please contact me 850-621-7709, email [email protected], or go to my web site and sign up for my Undo List Lunch and Learn December 19th,
