Life is about the Transitions and Choices We Make

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  • 2:55 min

Life is about the Transitions and Choices We Make

By Barbara Britt, Barbara Britt, LLC: 850-621-7709; [email protected]

 “If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet…”

Rachel Wolchin

What keeps us from transitioning? Fear! Understand that we are forever in transition phases in our lives and if we don’t embrace it, we can become stagnant, but if we take that giant leap of faith in ourselves, we reap unbound rewards.  What type of fear is it that keeps you from venturing out?  The fear of failure, of losing everything, of being embarrassed, or not being good enough?

Transition has nothing to do with age, gender, wealth, knowledge, or the color of your skin.  It is the power within us to want more, to be more, to create and bring others with us.  After all we were created to evolve; individuals always developing in the pursuit of building relationships and pathways.

Ask yourself what am I willing to do?  Sit down and without thought or questioning bullet your strengths, and desires.  No modesty is allowed.  What if you were to take personal responsibility, rephrase those questions of doubt that fear causes and replace them with “I can” action words? Then, ask yourself the question behind the question. What if I never let my ideas be heard, what if I let my dreams fade, what if I did not create that masterpiece?  Who would I be then?   The easiest way to put fear of change in its place is to down size it.  

How do I start asking the correct questions of myself?  Begin with replacing “what” or “how,” with an I; focus on action.  Through the book QBQ (Question Behind the Question), I found myself and did not like the hesitation I discovered.  I diligently not only started to ask myself the QBQ’s but have incorporated them in everything I do.  Personal Responsibility is a wonderful experience.  I no longer wait to blame others, procrastinate (a daily challenge), or allow myself or others to see me as a victim.  Now I am asking myself the QBQ’s: How can I incorporate my skills and designs into my business?  What experiences will I draw from to use in my writing every day?

“WE can’t be afraid of change.  You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea.”

Joy Bell C.

I leave you with this thought.  What you are capable of creating or accomplishing has not even been thought of yet.  Don’t leave your greatness and strengths behind a closed door of fear.  Be a part of the ocean and the sea; they are teaming with life and energy, nourishing and constantly changing the areas around them, swelling in height, filling with light and power.

I am conducting a women’s seminar on “Women in Transition” on March 1st, 2019 at the Fort Walton Beach Chamber.  The seminar will take place 11:30am-1:00pm and lunch will be provided. Those who can to stay longer will be able to participate in breakout sessions that will propel your personal transition.  Cost $30.00.  Please go to to sign up.
