Let’s develop the entrepreneurial mindset

Table of Contents

  • 3:45 min

By Jaime Orozco, Director – San Matías Group, https://sanmatiasgroup.com/

We can’t build a successful company thinking like employees. If we want to be successful entrepreneurs, the first thing we need to do is work on our mindset.

At this stage we as entrepreneurs must be willing to step out of the comfort zone and redefine those paradigms that for years have been implanted in our heads with regard to the way we think and work. It’s not an easy task, especially for people who are too used to working for other people.

Some people have an innate entrepreneurial mindset and others have been forced to develop it because of various circumstances they have faced throughout their lives; However, at any time everyone can make the decision to stop thinking as an employee and start thinking as an entrepreneur.

This is a stage in which we can develop skills such as self-development and self-discipline, as well as working on enhancing our intuition and forging an unwavering character that allows us to face with determination the challenges that we will encounter along the way.

Let’s get together from enterprising people. Our personal and professional relationships drastically influence our mindset. Let’s make sure we’re surrounded by people who inspire and hold us back.

In the market there is a wide variety of books thematic of business human development and personal development that will fill us with motivation to undertake.

We attend motivational events. Listening to stories from other entrepreneurs is a very powerful source of motivation and learning, and at these events we can meet other entrepreneurs like us.

Let’s go out and sell. A great way to make the transition between employee and entrepreneur, is to get work as a salesman. Sales will help us develop skills and capabilities that are very important to business.

Let’s take action. As if we were learning to swim, let’s step into the pool to gain confidence and encourage ourselves to take our first steps. Let us find a way to bring our ideas into action, even if they are on a small scale; the important thing is that we take action and start thinking and working as an entrepreneur.

After working on our mindset, we need to focus on developing our ability to identify business opportunities.

Great opportunities usually take time before they become apparent in the face of the entrepreneur; however, it must have the sensitivity and vision to detect the opportunities presented to us along the way. Let’s remember that an entrepreneur is able to see an opportunity, even if he only has one idea.

At this stage as entrepreneurs we must enhance our creative capacity so that we begin to see the world with different eyes. Thanks to this creative ability, entrepreneurs convert

every problem or need of the environment, in an opportunity to build a business.

Another very important feature of us

entrepreneurs to spot opportunities is empathy. The most successful entrepreneurs know how to understand people and their needs. Thanks to this empathy, entrepreneurs are always one step ahead, generating innovations that even exceed market expectations.

Let’s help our brains change the way they see the world. If we are immersed in a routine in which every day we are exposed to the same stimuli, it will be very difficult for us to generate different ideas. If we want to think differently, let’s do different things every day.

Let’s learn from successful business. Basically, we as entrepreneurs should ask ourselves 3 questions about each business that we find interesting: What problem does it solve? What product or service do you offer? Who is paying for such product or service? Seeing business as the link between Problem – Solution – Customer will help the entrepreneur better understand the business world.

We question everything. Let’s never take anything for a fact. Let’s constantly ask ourselves, “What if…?”, “How could this be done differently?”, “And why not…?” our curiosity is the greatest source of creative ideas.

Let’s keep up to date. Being aware of the trends of the environment will allow us to discover great opportunities to create business with a future and be pioneers in the industries that are developing.

Let’s build a wall of ideas, problems and opportunities. Let’s put a canvas or sheet of paper on a wall to graphically capture the ideas, problems and opportunities that our mind identifies. Thanks to this visual thinking exercise, we will have a constant source of creative ideas for our projects.