Pamela di Pascuale

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  • 1:54 min


By Pamela Di Pascuale, Life & Wellness Coach at Entrepreneurs with a Purpose | @pamdipascuale | [email protected]

Believing in yourself is what you need to start the path that will lead you to get what you want, because there is no greater security and confidence than the one you can give yourself.

For that, it is important to work on your beliefs and your emotions to connect with all that power and self-esteem that you have inside.

You are a wonderful being with a story that has been perfect and that has brought you here. Trust yourself first, in your gifts and talents, because today you have the possibility to do it differently.

Everything in life happens for a reason that goes beyond our understanding, although sometimes it may seem unfair and meaningless, but you know what? Going well does not mean that things go according to plan, but learning the lesson behind everything that happens to us in life and thus, evolve.

Trust that there is something greater that sustains us call it God, universe, energy, whatever you want and take the quantum leap, even if it scares you, even if fear paralyzes you by not being able to control what happens and that what happens is not exactly like you want it to be: remember that everything will be fine, no big deal, do it with fear, but do it. Trust your possibilities and the resources you have. If you trust and let yourself, go believing that it will work, it will.

Remember that you create your own reality and it responds to your beliefs, your thoughts and your emotions. Change what you think, change what you feel. So, you can have that awareness of choosing how you want to feel and what you want to let go of in order to be happy.

Everything happens at the exact time in your life; not a minute before, not a minute after. That is why today I invite you to let go and trust that you can. Create a pact with yourself of self-love, which will take you to a deeper level of respect for your inner self, your Soul.

Trust you, you know more than you think you do. Happy beginning of November!