Pamela di Pascuale

Table of Contents

  • 1:54 min

By Pamela Di Pascuale, Life & Wellness Coach | [email protected]

Certain things in life are not negotiable, and among those are: my mental and spiritual peace.

Learning to be with myself has been the key to well-being. Achieving that state of serenity depends on knowing ourselves, understanding what we feel and why we feel it, a constant exploration to reach our true identity. Only then do we understand who we are and learn to accept ourselves as we are. Accepting us is an act of love towards us.

This is not about creating an artificial, happy bubble around you, but rather programming less toxic habits of mind and making sure you spend more time alone with yourself to work more on your inner world.

Rediscovering inner peace is essential for our well-being and happiness. It is essential to relax a little, take a break and reorder our needs and priorities in life.

When you enjoy your company, “you are free”.

Let’s not allow external behavior or situations to affect that inner peace, remember that in this life EVERYTHING is temporary. Every thing, person, situation and event that happens leads to your evolution, I think that when you understand this you live life in another way and you taste it differently, you see everything from another perspective and that makes you live your days with more joy.

To do this, we must decide with what attitude to face problems, taking control of our lives and establishing the parameters that are necessary to feel good.

Think about how you can simplify your life so you can spend more time on the things that matter to you and bring you happiness and fulfillment. Remember that maturity is not in adding more and more, but in subtracting and needing less and less to be happy.

Inner peace is not something that is found along the way by chance, it is a personal decision, it is something we build consciously.

Do not negotiate your peace with anyone, Inner peace is an intimate treasure that we live and project from who we are. We work to achieve it and once achieved we have to protect it like the treasure it is, that is why it is not negotiable.

Happy start of April!