Pamela di Pascuale

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  • 1:57 min


By Pamela Di Pascuale, Life & Wellness Coach at Entrepreneurs with a Purpose| @pamdipascuale | [email protected]

Have you ever stopped to feel and observe what frequency you are vibrating more?

The energy we give to our lives depends on each one of us. We are all energy, however, there are those who get carried away by their emotions without even understanding it, making stress, anxiety, complaint or frustration a feeling that leads to low vibrational frequency. On the contrary, those of us who choose to keep our vibrational frequency high will not only feel better, but we will allow ourselves to flow with life more calmly and serenely.

It is very common that in the day to day we find different frequencies of the same energy. By this I do not mean that everything is rosy and that we never get upset by uncomfortable situations, much less that we avoid acknowledging our negative emotions. Giving ourselves permission to feel is necessary, in addition, everything that happens to us has a lesson for our growth and evolution on this plane, but staying stuck in negative feelings is a personal decision. Train our mind to change negative thoughts, and stop reliving the past over and over again, that difficult situation, that feeling that causes a lot of pain to the soul, due to the guilt and sadness that accompany it, we can heal it, and it depends on us to be able to do so, so that it does not end up turning into diseases.

Just as vibrating in low frequency is related to fear, behind which emotions such as anger, envy, selfishness, frustration and stress are hidden; vibrating high or in the frequency of love connects us with joy, peace, patience, solidarity, freedom and detachment.

And it is that life is a constant learning in which sometimes we learn from love and others from pain, but in which, above all things, it is up to us personally to decide how to capitalize on what we have learned. To train ourselves daily to create habits that keep our energy vibration high.

The intention is to become aware of our way of living, working, relating and loving in order to assume a more compassionate look towards ourselves and towards what surrounds us.