I Believe in Miracles

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Table of Contents

  • 2:37 min

“Don’t Give up before the Miracle Happens.”

Fannie Flagg

All around us miracles are happening every day.  About 80% of people in the United States believe in them, however they don’t believe that they can be a part of them or that they can share them with others. 

“You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one.  Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own.  It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.”


When we find ourselves in dire straits and we can’t see a way out we drop to our lowest depth and start pleading.  We open our eyes wide and our arms wider and whisper with everything we have: Please let this pass, save my loved one, save my job, and the list goes on and on for all of us. What if we open ourselves up beforehand and become receptive to witnessing and sharing the miracles all around us?  Would we increase our blessings and those of others? 

Miracles are neither created nor bestowed by mere thought, they are brought forth by the spirit and soul in all of us.  We are all capable of invoking and experiencing miracles.  Something seems impossible until a miracle happens and now it’s possible.  If you want a miracle in your life be prepared to be utilized from inception through completion.

“When the world says “Give Up”, hope whispers try one more time.”

King Tutankamun

So, in starting the year 2021 don’t sit idly by waiting for miracles to happen.  Positive-action steps, discipline, purposefulness, and empathy are tools that will enable you to be an active participant. 

Here are 5 things you can do to prepare to receive the abundance of miracles around you:

  1. Practice gratitude.  This will enable you to live in abundance and positivity.  People will be drawn to you and the energy of one will be multiplied 
  • Stop waiting for others to jump in and save the day.  With each small positive step, opportunities will show themselves. The best part is that you will be opening the door for a plethora of experiences to take place.
  • Be careful of limiting words and thoughts such as “That is the way we always have done it.” You don’t want to discard every tradition; however, you do want to open your horizons to new avenues and experiences.
  • Helping others to experience miracles opens us all up to abundance, and the scarcity mindset cannot find attachment.
  • Trust your inner guidance system.  Remember miracles don’t always have to base on logic but must be brought into existence out of belief that we are part of something so much bigger than ourselves

“Maybe miracles are given not to prove anything, but simply to remind us that the physical world is not so solid and real and dependable as we think.”

Dwight Longenecker

Want ways in which to develop your strengths, talents, and gifts? Go to barbarabritt.com, there are new trainings that will prepare you to have the best year so far.
