HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!Hola BeautifulsHolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! By Bohemian Babushka Septiembre came and went in a segundo didn’t it? Being BB’s Cumples month, it goes perfecto, porque life goes in segundos, doesn’t it Beautifuls?  One moment you’re entering kindergarten, then you’re worrying about making friends, getting good grades, choosing a profession, choosing a life partner……

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

By Bohemian Babushka

Septiembre came and went in a segundo didn’t it? Being BB’s Cumples month, it goes perfecto, porque life goes in segundos, doesn’t it Beautifuls?  One moment you’re entering kindergarten, then you’re worrying about making friends, getting good grades, choosing a profession, choosing a life partner… it all comes down to moments and choices doesn’t it?  Now that BB turned 56, she’s also turned reflective. Now, does that mean you should only reflect after 50 or that the chances to direct your choices only come before then? JU SO FONII!! Por supuesto que no.  Pero the frantic “gotta do” that racks the brain and nerves tend to slow down. Es más, they share flashbacks of those times and you find a knowing paz that you have weathered many de esos and are still aqui to tell the tale and listo for the next baile.

What did you do this summer Beautifuls? Any memorias made to smile at? Or was it all just a rush in the sun? Octubre is the time of cooling, el tiempo of descanso after the heat and activities of summer. A time to reflect and plan. That’s a wonderful analogy for life too. Any plans for the fall? Winter? Personally, Babushka never was one for summers, she prefers the slowing down of  things, the chilly breeze and the anticpation of the holidays, in all their pageantry and craziness. Again, this too is BB’s view of life and she’s gozando this season of it immensely.

Slow down a bit Beautifuls. The year and years go by quickly, if you’re lucky and consiente you’ll remember most of them fondly. Make a point to do so. Realize what to you would be worth reliving and do it often. Enjoy the now, be ever mindful of your blessings, but realize the changing of seasons is a Blessing too.

Bendiciones & Besos a todos.

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