HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

Table of Contents

  • 2:12 min

Es Junio, the month we honor Dads. Very deserving of honor por supesto, pero Babushka would like to take this month to honor all our antepasados, all our ancestors. To remember their impact on our lives, the moments of wisdom that helped guide us and that will forever be part of us. Be it something they said, did or shared from generations before, we were all molded by them.  More than the written word, these are our lives and our legacies.

Unfortunately the moments spent sharing stories aren’t as often as before. In a world where only the now and future are focused on, we are losing our pasts, losing our whys, losing ourselves.  Today’s youths are growing into adults without knowing the basics, things my generation were taught and learned from the generations before.  It is a sad phenomenon called “adulting”. To be an adult, the nuances as wide as life and just as varied. From writing a check to coping with daily living, kitchen hacks to common sense, these are just a few topics stressing our youth. But it isn’t too late, we can make a virtual village to help them.

For two years, this project has been in the “wanna do” stage. Ya es hora to go live. The more time spent with Millenials, the more apparent the need. On the 4th Sunday of every mes, there will be a YouTube video sharing insights and suggestions on la vida. “BB does The Basics aka Adulting a la Babushka” will be BB’s way to give back and give voice to the past. Giving voice to the past in order to help the future. Naturalmente, this can’t be a solo voice, Babushka is hoping everyone will want to participate. We’ll need questions to be asked and wisdoms from the past shared. If you have IGrammy (Instagram) you can go to BB’s IGTV for a more indepth sharing of what’s in store. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx_MLqXBGpc/

Should you want to participate, ask questions, share wisdoms from the past, or wisdoms you’ve learned please feel free to email [email protected] .  Will be happy to give credit to all submissions and definitivamente will be grateful for all submissions.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, bueno Beautifuls, Babushka’s hoping we become a video village to raise many children. The channel to watch every 4th Sunday of the month after 6 pm ET: https://www.youtube.com/user/BohemianBabushka/ Look forward to seeing you there.

Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.