Atrial Fibrillation: A Patient’s Journey

Written by: Marcos Otero, Retired Physician Associate

Our Patient

Patient: Juan Carlos Martínez

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina 🇦🇷

Diagnosis: Atrial Fibrillation (AFib)


Juan Carlos, a 58-year-old accountant from Buenos Aires, has a sedentary lifestyle, compounded by stress and a diet rich in processed foods. He enjoys traditional Argentine asados (barbecues) but has struggled to maintain a healthy weight. With a family history of heart disease, he was aware of the risks but delayed seeking care until symptoms became disruptive.

Presentation of Symptoms

Juan Carlos first noticed episodes of a rapid, irregular heartbeat during stressful periods at work. He experienced occasional dizziness, mild chest discomfort, and fatigue. Initially, he dismissed these as stress-related, but when the episodes became more frequent, his wife insisted he see a doctor.

Key Symptoms

Diagnosis & Treatment

An electrocardiogram (ECG) confirmed atrial fibrillation. Further tests, including a Holter monitor and echocardiogram, ruled out structural abnormalities but revealed an elevated risk for stroke.

Treatment Plan

  1. Medications: Juan Carlos was prescribed anticoagulants (to reduce stroke risk) and beta-blockers (to control heart rate).
  2. Lifestyle Changes: His doctor recommended a Mediterranean diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques.
  3. Monitoring: Regular follow-ups to adjust medication and monitor heart rhythm.


Initially, Juan Carlos struggled with the side effects of anticoagulants, including occasional nosebleeds. He also found it challenging to adopt a healthier lifestyle, as it conflicted with his cultural diet and work schedule.

Cultural and Family Support

His family played a crucial role in his recovery. His wife modified their meals to include more heart-healthy options, and his children encouraged him to take evening walks in the park. Friends also supported his journey by organizing less stressful social gatherings.

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