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  • 2:12 min

Happy New Year.

The New Year is upon us.  This is the time of year when we make New Year’s resolutions to hopefully improve our lives.  These resolutions include saving money, having more vacations, increasing our exercise, getting fit, quitting alcohol or tobacco, and losing weight.  We hope for more happiness, joy, and health.

exercise - CopyThis is the time, we make promises to hopefully improve lives.  Interestingly, this is the time of year when gym memberships increase 3-4 fold.  Therefore, it is a good time to discuss obesity and make plans for the following year.

Obesity has more than doubled in this country in the last 35 years.  More than a third of adults (34.9 percent) were obese as of 2011 to 2012.   Obesity leads to increased heart disease, strokes, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.  These illnesses can be preventable if we can reduce obesity.

43% of Hispanics are considered obese.  26% of Hispanic children are considered obese.  These numbers are astounding.

What can we do about this? Make your New Year resolution to lose weight and exercise.

wt_lossThe majority of those overweight are that way because of caloric intake. Calorie requirement differ dependent on sex and amount of activity you participate in. On average men can get by with 2000 calories and a women can get by with approximately 1500 calories. These numbers again can vary for each. Self-reported average energy intake of 2,640 calories for men and 1,785 calories per day for women is within current USDA recommendations. However, since the majority of men and women in the U.S. are overweight or obese, many are eating more calories than they require. These calories should be divided among the 3- 6 meals a day. Unfortunately eating a hamburger with fries and a soda can already account for 1500 calories and that at one sitting!

diet-1 - CopyTo lose weight you must know how many calories you are truly consuming each day.  Once you know the actual amount you are consuming, reducing 500 calories every day would equal to about one pound of weight loss per week. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week.  There ar so many different diets it would be impossible to discuss each one. The important thing to remember is that DIETS DO WORK! However, they take time. There is no quick fix. There are diets that make you lose weight faster but these are usually hard to maintain and may not be healthy. Find a diet that works for you that is well balanced. I recommend the Mediterranean Diet Plan.

Happy New Year. May the year fulfill your wishes.