Happy 59th Cumples BB!

By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! 59 and feeling fine! Telling BB’s Angels, it’s not quite her time… Si, another Cumples, and Babushka couldn’t be más feliz. Matter of fact, healthwise, besides the COVID chacha, this is the best shape BB’s been in hace tiempo.  Gracias to Dancing with Diabetes, la…

By Bohemian Babushka

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

59 and feeling fine! Telling BB’s Angels, it’s not quite her time… Si, another Cumples, and Babushka couldn’t be más feliz. Matter of fact, healthwise, besides the COVID chacha, this is the best shape BB’s been in hace tiempo.  Gracias to Dancing with Diabetes, la dieta is healthier and life, not my food, is sweeter.  Oh si, a wonderful ejemplo how saying 

 Life- JU SO FONII helps you rethink “negatives”. Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes made la vida more precious and priorities rechoreographed.  Not that Babushka would want any of you to get this preventable disease, pero to stress a point.  “A lo malo, buena cara.”  Wake up points come at any time, many times in our vidas. Age doesn’t stop this , es más, BB would say it becomes more evident the older we get.

We get so many prods, that turn into pushes, that are precious possibilities if we allow them to be.  How many have you gotten Beautifuls? How many have you ignored? That small voice beckoning betterment isn’t yours, lamentablemente the doubt is. The more you follow your corazon’s calling, the more you appreciate la vida, porque the heart knows. And deep down, so do you. 

If you speak to people “getting on in years” you’ll find some common threads. There are regrets for things they coulda/shoulda done, chances missed for not following that inner voice. And there are those who have come to the conclusion that life is not for  regrets and are going after that voice, embracing it at any cost. These are the ones that know life is for living, loving life and all it’s posibilidades. Ganando con Las Ganas. This is how BB plans to live the rest of her years. Here’s hoping they’ll be many more, pero si no, she knows the daily dance will be with every cell of her soul. To quote the great musical, The King and I, “Shall we dance?”

Babushka Besos a Todos. Cuidensen.

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