Gwen Graham Speaks Out Against Hate

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  • 1:22 min

Gwen Graham Speaks Out Against Hate

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following a recent report of vandalism in The Tallahassee Democrat, Representative Gwen Graham took to the House floor on Wednesday to call on all Americans to speak out against hate.

“Across our country, incidents of hate crimes and harassment are on the rise,” Rep. Graham said. “Just this past week, the trend reared its ugly head in my hometown of Tallahassee. A community office was vandalized with the letters KKK painted across the door.”

In a call to action, Rep. Graham quoted the late Elie Wiesel in her speech.

“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. I won’t be indifferent. I won’t be silent.  And I’m asking each of you to speak out against acts of hate wherever you see it.”

“Today, I rise to speak out against hate. Across our country, incidents of hate crimes and harassment are on the rise. Just this past week, the trend reared its ugly head in my hometown of Tallahassee. A community office was vandalized with the letters KKK painted across the door.

“And with the rise in hate — we’ve also seen an increase in indifference . . .  too many are turning a blind eye. But there can be no tolerance for racism, bigotry or anti-Semitism in America.

“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. I won’t be indifferent. I won’t be silent.  And I’m asking each of you to speak out against acts of hate wherever you see it. We cannot be bullied or intimidated — we must fight back. Together, we are stronger than any hatred.”