Greatest Gift of the Season

Greatest Gift of the Season

By Bohemian Babushka

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! It’s Diciembre. We’re now in the holiday hustle. Present list to write and buy, menus to make with comidas to cook, people to visit, 1000 cosas to do.  Pero first, the most importante thing- have you asked Santi Clo for your regalo? What are you hoping for from los Reyes? You’re never too old for making a list. And you’re never too old for putting yourself on the top of that list.

Before the Crisma CorreCorre gets more frantic, do algo with BB Beautifuls.

Sientate, Sit. STILL.Hands Down, Arms on your Sides. Ahora, a DEEP, SLOW, BREATH, Hold for 3, Exhale for 3. Next, and this is the most importante, lift both arms al cielo, boca and eyes as open as possible, do a happy jiggle, and BIGGEST SELF HUG YOU CAN!!!  A quick apreton, then a slow one, appreciate YOU. It’s the end of the year Beautifuls, and you’ve made it. Selfhugging make you feel silly? Saben que? LIFE is SILLY. Si, porque no matter how fast we run, it’s faster. No matter how frantic we get, it’s soon forgotten. No matter how furious we get, it fades. It will go on, and so will you. Esto is just a reminder to be gentler, kinder, observant of todo. And you are a very importante part of that TODO. Nunca, Never doubt or forget that. 

So, take that Deep Breath, Give YOURSELF a Giant ABRAZOTE, and get your holidays hopping. Just don’t forget the most importante regalo during the dance. Remember your best dance partner, and let it lead- Selflove y Amor Propio.

Here’s wishing you a Beautiful Baile.  Babushka Besos a Todos.

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Sometimes it’s nice to put in text just to get an idea of how text will fill in a space on your website.

Traditionally our industry has used Lorem Ipsum, which is placeholder text written in Latin. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with Lorem Ipsum and that can lead to confusion. I can’t tell you how many times clients have asked me why their website is in another language!

There are other placeholder text alternatives like Hipster Ipsum, Zombie Ipsum, Bacon Ipsum, and many more. While often hilarious, these placeholder passages can also lead to much of the same confusion.

If you’re curious, this is Website Ipsum. It was specifically developed for the use on development websites. Other than being less confusing than other Ipsum’s, Website Ipsum is also formatted in patterns more similar to how real copy is formatted on the web today.

Bohemian Babushka

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