• 1:7 min

Genetic Testing is NEVER free

Don’t fall victim to the newest scam targeting Medicare beneficiaries.

While genetic testing is a legitimate service, it is not always covered by Medicare. Scammers are offering “free” genetic testing and screenings for cancer and other diseases- claiming that these tests are “paid for by Medicare.” Sadly, you’ll never get the results. Even worse, you or Medicare could be responsible for tens of thousands of dollars.

What you need to know:

• Do not give out your Medicare number or Social Security number. Be cautious of unsolicited requests for this information. If your personal information is compromised, it may be used in other fraud schemes.

• Never consent to any lab tests at senior centers, health fairs, or in your home. Be suspicious of anyone claiming that genetic tests and cancer screenings are “free” or “covered by Medicare.”

• If you need genetic testing, always work with your doctor. Medicare only covers genetic tests that are medically necessary and were ordered by your primary physician.

• Monitor your Medicare Summary Notice to see if there are any services you did not receive (or if you were billed for services that you can’t identify).

If you think scammers may have targeted you, please contact your local SHINE/SMP program at the Area Agency on Aging for Northwest Florida: 850-494-7101 (1-800-96-ELDER)
