Fudpuckers Cops Rock Event Raises Funds for Children

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  • 0:49 min

Source: Ken Hair

Fudpuckers Bar and Grill of Destin presented a check for $10,793.84 to Children In Crisis (CIC) at a recent presentation ceremony surrounded by live gators. The funds were raised by the “Cops Rock” event and T-Shirt sales. The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office partnered with Fudpuckers to make the event “Rock!”

Ken Hair, CIC President and CEO commented: “CIC is very blessed to have the support of Fudpuckers and the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office. The event shows how much the businesses and the Sheriffs’ office of our community care about providing a safe, loving home to the at-risk children. Thank you all!”

ABOUT CIC: CIC is a 501, (c)(3) non-profit community charity of caring people providing homes and establishing hope to the abused, neglected and abandoned children of our community. Together we can make a difference in the life of a child. To learn more about CIC, visit www.childrenincrisisfl.org, or call 850-864-4242.

Photo Left to Right: Allie Noah, Children In Crisis Development Director, Ken Hair, CIC President and CEO and Laura Moore, CIC Events Director receive a donation check for over $10,000 from Tim Edwards, Chester Kroeger and members of the Fudpucker’s Team along with Captain Charlie Nix Representing the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office. The funds were raised through the “Cops Rock” event and will be used to give a safe, loving home to the abused, neglected and abandoned children of our community.