• 1:52 min



This month I was going to write about the nervous system. If I discuss all the body 11 body systems, there may be more understanding about diseases. But frustration set in. I had 17 pages of notes that I had to get into less than a page and a half for the publication. There was no way.

Thus, I became frustrated.

Then I thought about all the things that frustrate me. Let me mention some of these today.

I get frustrated with patients prescribed 90 days of medication and show up nine months or a year later telling you they just ran out. The disease is worse or poorly controlled, and they look at you and do not understand why this is. Frustration!

I get frustrated with the insurance companies. I understand they are businesses, but they can decide what test they will or will not pay for. This is frustrating.


I get frustrated with the patient who says they cannot afford their medication or medical visit but are tattooed from top to bottom.

I get frustrated with the same patient who states they cannot afford medication but smoke and drink alcohol.

I get frustrated with the patient who also says they cannot afford medication but has jewelry, pedicures, and manicures while their children have holes in their clothes.

Yes, there are many reasons for my frustration!

I get frustrated when you delineate a medical plan to work through a differential diagnosis, and the patient does not follow through.

I get frustrated that everybody is trying to make medicine a political issue.

I get frustrated that every day the web has multiple attempted hacks from around the world!

Enough with my frustration. There are so many more I can list.

Since the space allowed in the printed version of Conexión Florida is limited, I will write concise entries. The web, however, will have extended versions of the topics discussed.

Please go to the web to read and view the multiple articles already there.

Please make comments as to what you would like to discuss or learn about.

Because I am also frustrated that after six years, I’m not sure that anyone is reading or learning from these articles. I remain humbly and respectfully yours.
